A Rob Booker Review | Who is Rob Booker and What Are His Podcasts?

by Jones David

Rob Booker is a trading entrepreneur who has been in the Forex trading industry for a long time now.  A lot of people in the trading circle follow his podcasts and effective trading techniques to implement them in their trading journey. Booker talks about the trading market and the economic conditions regarding it. 

Podcasts have always helped people in order to follow their interests by listening and paying attention to what an expert has to say. Booker’s Podcasts are about the trading schemes and tips that he discovered in his career. He claims that he has helped traders around the world by sharing his objectives and ideas. For this reason, the Rob Booker Facebook platform along with his website has been gaining increasing visitors from all over the world. 

Our readers have been demanding a review for some time now. In this article, we will review the services and podcasts of Rob Booker for those who want to gain insights on market trends through his services. 

Booker has been creating podcasts since he began his career and business in trading. He describes his trading secrets through which he became a famous millionaire of the US today. Currently, there are around 800 traders who follow Booker’s audio and video files to obtain guidance and understanding of the trading industry. He has had more than 80 podcast sessions where he talked about the diverse range of market and economic tags.  

Booker’s Experience With Forex Trade Market

The reason why Booker talks about trading so confidently is that he has an experience of working with the foreign exchange market for about a decade. The foreign exchange market also known as the Forex is a global marketplace that allows traders to exchange currencies against each other. The forex market is considered to be the largest market of liquid assets that have worldwide reach of trade, finance, and commerce. 

Moreover, in the podcast sessions, Booker discusses the derivatives of the foreign exchange market along with offering his teaching and solutions regarding future options of currency and currency swaps. He has used the forex platform along with his participants and subscribers to hedge against the foreign currencies and the risks of the interest rate. Other than that, he has also exchange views on speculating geological events along with making sure to diversify portfolios. 

As with everything else, forex trading has some risks and complexities involved with it. However, Booker never talks about them. It seems like he is so busy helping other traders that he overlooks those cons himself or just don’t want to consider them in order to sell his podcasts and services. 

The most important thing to consider before buying any service of Rob Booker is to make sure that your country does not have unregulated forex trading. It is because, in some parts of the world, forex trading is not completely unregulated but is also not standardized as the interbank market has varying degrees of regulations. 

What you must know is that the interbank market from where the trading eventually takes place is made up of different banks that trade with each other. The banks make sure to accept all kinds of risks such as credit risk and the sovereign risk. Through accepting these, the banks ensure to establish internal processes so that they can be safe. These kinds of regulations are imposed by the trading industry to protect the participating banks but not the participating individuals.    

So how can you invest in the market with access to interbank dealing? As mentioned above, the market is made up of different participating banks that are supposed to provide offers and bids for their currencies. This is known as a market price mechanism which is based on supply and demand. As the large trade flows within the system by the traders like Booker, it becomes convenient for traders to influence the price of it. This system not only creates transparency but also lets traders invest in the market with proper access to the interbank dealings.  

Booker’s Podcasts And Services

Booker has a website where he discusses all his plans and schemes. He has monthly subscribers to several of his services related to trading where he sends them alerts, newsletters, emails, etc. One of the services includes the Trifecta Course where he teaches a very simple strategy as a  convincing salesman.

Furthermore, he happily shares his experience in a podcast named ‘Trading For a Living’ about how much money he makes from his trade and shares. He believes that he can motivate other traders to become rich by sharing his strategies with them.    

One of his strategies suggests that an individual should get custom indicators to plot them daily, weekly and monthly on the chart and then later mark them if any day is missed. He calls these indicators as pivots and discusses that he noticed that trading prices can miss the marked pivots. The prices move strongly in one direction and it is important to keep marking them with time before it runs out. He believes that it is important to work relatively with the time frame. 

In another podcast, he talks about another strategy that also needs an indicator. The other indicator is supposed to be called a combination of various oscillators that include, MACD, RSI, and SSD. These oscillators are supposed to print signals on the chart when the price gets divergent for all of them. However, this indicator seems exhausting because it requires so much. 

When a trader sees the divergence signal that misses a pivot according to the price, he is supposed to draw a line on the chart to break the trade if not worked. This line is known as the trend line where the trade starts from the beginning after a missed pivot. 

Moreover, Booker suggests using 15m charts for marking the daily pivots, and an HR chart of 1m or 4m for weekly pivots. This system seems to have a fairly-documented podcast series with a success rate of 60%. However, other features and activities are also included in Booker’s trading techniques. 

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