Complete OneRep Review: Does it Protect Your Privacy Online?

by Jones David is one of the leaders in the privacy protection space, giving users more control over their personal information by wiping it off of data brokers and people-search sites. Based in the U.S., the OneRep team has created a fully automated tool that opts you out of over 100 data brokers, ensuring faster and more affordable privacy protection. Sounds good, but how did this popular privacy tool fare in our in-depth OneRep review?

There are Plenty of Privacy Tools…Why OneRep?

Services that clean up your digital footprint, delete your old accounts, check if your email has been in a data breach, opt you out of data brokers, and manage your online reputation have become popular over the past few years. With so many options to choose from, the first question should be “What makes OneRep stand out?”

We read through a lot of service analyses on popular privacy tools, checked a number of OneRep reviews, and tested the platform to see how it works. As a result, it became clear that this isn’t just another privacy service; OneRep has carved out a unique spot for itself in this space as it’s genuinely helping you to fight personal information exposure and prevent bad things like cybercrime, identity theft, doxing, swatting, stalking and so on. A cherry on top? It reduces your digital footprint by making you disappear from the Google search results made up of data broker listings for your name. Here’s why we think OneRep is totally worth a try. 

#1. It’s A Fully Automated Tool

There are plenty of reviews that compare competitors by price and usability (and we’ll do that as well), but the real differentiator is the technology behind OneRep’s service. OneRep is a fully automated privacy tool. It automatically opts users out of over 100 data brokers and people-search sites. That makes it a lot faster and less prone to human error than other services that rely on real people.

#2. It’s Significantly More Valuable 

Because OneRep doesn’t rely on real people opting you out of data brokers by hand, it’s also much more affordable. We can’t speak for their business model, but it appears that automation passes savings down to users. After all, OneRep is significantly more affordable per opt-out than any other service.

For instance, one other popular privacy service, Reputation Defender, charges $9.95 per month per person for their opt-out services. Another one, DeleteMe, charges $10.75 per month. OneRep only charges $8.33 per month if you choose their annual offering and, as we’ll see next, it covers significantly more sites, meaning you get more coverage for less.

#3. It’s 4x More Effective

And let’s talk a bit more about those other two privacy services. They’re great in their own right, but as far as coverage goes, there’s no debate. Reputation Defender removes users from around 15 to 20 sites, and DeleteMe removes users from around 30. OneRep, on the other hand, covers over 100 sites. That means OneRep covers up to four times as many sites as the competition — and it’s still cheaper per month.

Our Hands-On OneRep Review

You probably picked up on it by now, but we really liked this service. Now it’s time to dig in and show you why. In this section, we’re going to walk you through our in-depth OneRep review, from the sign-up process to pricing and removal. We’ll also take a closer look at how the company handles customer data, which is an extremely important indicator for a service that claims to protect your privacy in 2021. 

How it Works: From Sign-Up to Opt-Out

I used OneRep’s free five-day trial before I began my paid subscription. I was surprised by how effective the trial was — I was able to scan and even remove some of my profiles without paying a dime. The sign-up process was quick and easy and required just a few details – my email, name, and payment information.

Once you’re signed up, your privacy scan begins. Within twenty minutes, OneRep will evaluate your digital footprint by checking their supported list of data brokers against your provided information. Then, they display all of the located profiles in a visual dashboard that shows the profiles that were identified, that are being removed, and that have been successfully removed. 

Like I said above, I had a few successful opt-outs before my free trial was over. It was great checking the dashboard for updates as I watched my compromised personal information get wiped from those annoying people-search sites. 

My next scheduled scan will take place about two weeks from when I’m writing this review. The service will monitor the sites it covers to make sure my information hasn’t popped up again (which is not rare as data brokers tend to relist profiles or publish new ones). Currently, their list includes 107 websites they monitor and remove your information from, and it keeps growing as they find and add new data brokers.   

Key Features: What Makes OneRep Attractive

  • Real-Time Removal Dashboard: OneRep has the best interface compared to other privacy services I’ve used. Everything you need is neatly displayed on a dashboard, including tabs for Profiles Found, Potential Sites, Removal in Progress, and Removed. Tracking your removal progress is as easy as can be!
  • Persistent Monitoring: Once OneRep is done wiping your personal information from all of its supported data brokers, they keep scanning and re-scanning new and old sites just in case your information reemerges. I loved the idea that the tool was continuously monitoring my digital footprint.
  • Hub of Free Privacy Resources: One of the most surprising features wasn’t even really a feature — it was OneRep’s blog and wiki (DIY opt-out guides). They’ve created a thorough database of educational articles and actionable guides for users and non-users. I found myself reading through a lot of the material and learned quite a few tips and tricks on how to opt out of 100+ data brokers, protect personal information and what to do to patch things up if damage is already done.
  • Great Customer Service: Since the tool is so easy to use, I didn’t really have a reason to contact customer service. But for the sake of this review, I contacted their chat support team and heard back very quickly. I also found their FAQ page helpful and appreciated their email and phone support lines, which connected me with real people.

Is Safe?

Definitely. In fact, it’s a service that does exactly what it says it will do — remove your profiles from data brokers and people-search sites. And they require minimal personal information from users to do that. OneRep’s privacy policy explains that they use personal data responsibly — to analyze and “operate our website and services” and “communicate with our users”. Their privacy statement also spells out that they “have not sold and will not sell your personal information” or share it with the general public. When I asked their support team how they store customer data, the answer they gave me was that they didn’t — they only need your full name, location and other details you choose to share with them to find your profiles on data broker websites and make sure they are “yours”. 

In other words, OneRep seems to practice what they preach, observing the privacy standards. The only instance where any personal information would be shared with another entity is, as they state, “to comply with laws”— if a court order mandates the company to forward information to the government. But that’s true of any business.

So, all that to say, we appreciate the transparency and respect for user privacy. That’s in short supply these days, and it falls in line with OneRep’s broader mission to help as many people as the possible fight for their privacy online.

OneRep Review: Pricing and Plans

We mentioned earlier that OneRep covers four times more sites than its competitors while charging less per month. That’s a great deal, and their plans come with plenty of worthwhile services. We’ll break them down here:

  • Individual Plan: For $8.33 per month (annual pricing), you can use OneRep’s automated service to wipe one person’s information off of their supported data brokers. That’s the amount you pay for automatic removal from over 100 sites, and it includes 24/7 email support, a personal privacy assistant, and continuous monitoring.
  • Family Plan: For $15 per month, you can use OneRep to wipe up to six people’s information off of data brokers and people-search sites. This looks like a deal if you need to protect more people, and it comes with all of the services offered in the Individual plan.
  • Individual+: Are things a bit more complicated for you? If you have unique privacy concerns, OneRep offers expanded services. For $229.95 a month, you get all of the previous services plus a team of real privacy experts who will manually remove your information from sites that aren’t included in their normal package.

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