With working from home taking off in the last few years, the opportunities for those who would prefer to avoid the office are constantly expanding. Regardless of whether your potential remote job is directly related to the computer world, going remote means understanding and leveraging some key pieces of tech and approaches. Falling short here can make the difference between a better experience and a non-viable one, so taking a measured approach is paramount.
What’s Possible from a Distance?
We tend to think of remote work jobs as those most involved with technology, and in many cases, this can be true. Take working with the US economic calendar as an example, where up-to-date information is a must for anyone working in this fast-paced world. Checking inflation and growth rates can be crucial for making important financial trading decisions, and thanks to this world now being tied so close to tech, having instant and accurate digital access is key.
That said, most careers can often have at least some part of their experience driven available remotely. From basic office work on databases to working on artistic devices like drawing tablets or home music software, the right tech means a huge range of opportunities is out there. So, what are the musts?
“Linux home recording studio” (CC BY 2.0) by wstryder
Creating Your Setup
Though wireless connections can be more convenient, they’re also lacking compared to their cabled cousins. This can apply both in regards to the connection you have to your ISP and the connection you have to your home network over the router. Though it might not be as pretty, keeping a cable plugged in will increase the stability of your internet connection, to mitigate data loss or connection drops.
From this point, you’ll need to be sure you have the latest hardware and software for what you need. Some of this can be highly specific depending on your job, but in a general sense, a modern operating system and a relatively decent computer will be your core components. A Google search can help you find the level of performance your kind of work will require, and while it can be possible to put a system together yourself, prebuilts can be far less stressful. Just be sure to check reviews before you buy, and consider whether iOS or Windows will better suit your needs and your work requirements.
With connection and hardware set, you’ll need to work on your physical environment. Working from home is still working, so you’ll need a setup that’s comfortable but still free of distractions. This can include informing housemates you’ll require uninterrupted private time during certain hours and modifying a room to better suit your needs. Ergonomics are also paramount to prevent repetitive stress injuries, and stretches should be incorporated to help prevent future issues.
“Home Sweet Studio” (CC BY 2.0) by geishaboy500
Remote work is a learning process, where not everyone can drop straight in and feel a natural fit. Stick with the teething period, however, and you could find a new approach to employment with considerable benefits to your life. Whether trading, writing, teaching, or anything else, the opportunities are broad and growing, and well worth a look if you haven’t taken one already.