Frameworks of JavaScript that You Should Know in 2022

by Jones David

If you’re a fan of using Java then why not use the latest frameworks and algorithms to enjoy the latest trends. Different businesses these days hire JavaScript developers so that they can grow. It not only keeps you connected with the trends in the industry but also gives you the privilege to develop comprehensive code. Let us move on and understand everything about the latest.

The developer community adores frameworks of JavaScript, much as a foodie adores their cuisine, a fitness nut adores going to the gym, and a traveler adores seeing new locations. The majority of developers cannot create a robust web app in a short period of time without using frameworks of JavaScript.  

For the year 2022, below is a list of the best

Frameworks of JavaScript are extensively used by programmers of all levels, from junior to senior. 

  1. ReactJS

Whenever you take the name of JavaScript, the first framework that comes to mind is ReactJS. There are developers who you can hire and bring out the right results. React cant come across as a bit difficult, however, around 40% of surveyed software engineers report being using React.js.

  1. MithrilJS

When you are a developer, it is obvious that you will love to bring out the best from your applications. This is one framework that will be used by maximum developers in the coming years. Everything needs to be perfect when you are working on complex applications. This is the reason that the developers want everything in the right way. Mithril is just the right answer to all the queries. 

  1. VueJS

A lot of programmers who have dealt with HTML have come across a circumstance in which they need to do a difficult operation that HTML does not support. Vue enters the picture at this point. For those who work on critical areas, it is a great framework to try their hands on. 

  1. AureliaJS

This is an easy-to-use framework that is recommended by experts. It facilitates online and mobile app development. This framework extends the capabilities of JavaScript. Your client will love it if you do something different for them and their application. This framework can bring out the right outcomes that will help you think differently. 

  1. MeteorJS

MeteorJS is a web framework that uses an isomorphic approach to building websites. Built with Node.js, this framework may be used to construct different types of applications by the developers. Why follow everyone when you can lead them. This framework will help you in generating better results. 


Java is not at all similar to any of the programming languages that the developers use, it is built with a model or a view separation in mind. We hope that you are now aware of the frameworks that are used in the language and will follow them in the best manner. 

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