How modern technology has transformed education

by Jones David

Getting some type of education can improve your life dramatically. The more qualifications you have in relevant subjects, the more likely it is that you’ll be able to find gainful employment. It can also lead to higher pay and more flexibility. The re’s also plenty to gain by learning for pleasure. By expanding your knowledge, you’ll be able to solve problems more effectively and develop a deeper awareness of how the world works.

In the modern age, technology has transformed the ways that students can learn, flourish and grow. It is now possible to mold your studies around your life, and you can also earn money and create full-time income streams while acquiring that all-important college degree at the same time. Here is a closer look at the benefits of higher learning that don’t require enrolling in college.


The main advantage of choosing an online learning package rather than going to a physical college is convenience. It’s possible to pick up your learning where you left off and work on your studies at whatever hour works for you. If your body’s internal clock suits work in the middle of the night or late in the afternoon, for example, you’ll be able to work around it and ensure that your education fits your schedule rather than trying to force yourself into a rigid timetable.

Depending on the online education route you choose, there may well be some sort of obligation to be online at a certain time, such as to attend an e-seminar. While that may undermine the convenience aspect to some degree, remember that all you need is a laptop and a quiet space. If you have a flexible and supportive employer, you may be able to take time out during the day to dedicate yourself to your studies in a spare office at work.

Study and earn

For many people, the main benefit of avoiding college and going down some other route of higher education is the fact that it opens up the opportunity to “earn and learn”. College, after all, is expensive. With some major colleges easily costing an average price of well over $20,000, the financial burden of enrolling in an American college is high. There is also a time investment required for going to college. While some college degrees can substantially increase your earning potential over time, it means that entering the workforce wholeheartedly gets delayed for several years.

By studying online, you can fit your work around your studies – perhaps by working during the day before studying at night. Conversely, if you work in the evening, you can spend your spare time during the day studying. While some physical colleges are structured in a way that enables students to have part-time jobs that work around their studies, the advantage of studying online while you work is that you can get your salary-boosting qualification and also earn a good wage as you do so thanks to this flexibility. It’s a win-win situation.

Choice of course

Physical seats of learning are limited in the scope of what they can offer. This is partly due to the number of teachers on staff, but the amount of space available is also a factor. There are only so many bookshelves available in a library, for example, while the requirement for physical classrooms or specialist zones such as laboratories means that the number of courses offered is restricted to where they can physically be taught.

For an online course, there are far fewer restrictions – which means more online degree programs are now available. More often than not, cyberspace is cheaper than physical space, so an institution that offers courses online is typically able to provide more choices of subjects without having to build or lease new spaces. While the downside to this is that certain subjects that require in-person practicals may not fit the online learning mold as well, the upside is that more people can enroll in school and enjoy more choices.

Modern technology has worked its way into many aspects of life, and the way people are educated is no exception. While physical learning institutions certainly still have their place, the range of courses on offer and the convenient nature of internet learning mean that the educational experience has changed for the better for those who learn through the medium of the web. With so many benefits on offer, online learning is only likely to become more and more popular in the future.

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