How to drop items (PC, Xbox One) in PUBG

by Jones David

Weapons, armor, and consumables all drop into your inventory slots which can be expanded by wearing a backpack. It’s absolutely essential that you’ve got your weapons and items sorted, along with your inventory managed. If you’re not hoovering loot from the get-go and equipping the very best gear you have to offer, you won’t be getting anywhere in PUBG. Guns, weapons, and consumables all drop into your stock slots that can be extended by wearing a backpack. It is absolutely essential that you have your weapons and products arranged along with the maintained inventory. Just there-shuffling of a few pieces here and there is a huge part of inventory management. Sometimes you’ll have to drop objects that take up too much space or throw things away in the heat of the moment to make room for a gun that’s too good to pass over.

How to drop items

Here’s how to drop items in PUBG.


  • Enter your inventory by pressing [TAB] or [I].
  • Click and drag the item across the left side of your screen to the slot where it says [Ground] and release.
  • Dropping a weapon that’s got attachments equipped will drop both. If there are any attachments you want to keep, make sure you’ve taken them off first.
  • If you’ve got stacks of one item and you want to drop only a few, the re’s a way to do so. Hold [CTRL] while dragging an item from your inventory to the ground. Once you’ve done so, it’ll pop up with a message saying how many you want to discard. Input however many you want and click “Drop”.
  • You can also find out how to show FPS in PUBG.

Xbox One

  • Press the Inventory button to access…you guessed it, the inventory.
  • Use the right and left bumpers to navigate your inventory.
  • Press [Y] on an item to drop it.
  • Hold [Y] to drop all of an item.
  • If you need to remove all the attachments from a weapon, hold [X] on it.

Based on materials

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