How to Keep Your Virtual Space Safe and Secure

by Jones David

VPS hosting by Hostadvice is a secure hosting option, however, you still need to implement some security strategies and practices in order to have a completely safe hosting environment. This involves several crucial aspects:

Regular Updates and Fixes: Similar to updating phone apps, VPS systems require regular maintenance to stay secure. Make sure that you always have the news versions of your software and programs.

Backup Strategies: Backups serve as copies of critical data that you can use in the event of data loss. You must have a proper backup strategy if you don’t want to worry about losing critical information or code. 

DDoS Protection: You have to shield your VPS from potential disruptions caused by excessive traffic with DDoS protection measures. If you don’t know how to handle these tasks, you need to consider a managed hosting solution. However, more about it, later! 

24/7 Support: Access to round-the-clock assistance ensures help is available whenever needed. When you have reliable support, you can fix any issues in a timely manner.

Now let’s take a look at some important questions related to VPS security:

Is VPS Vulnerable to Hacking?

Every virtual machine in a VPS has dedicated shares of the computer’s resources, such as CPU, RAM, and storage. Since each VPS operates independently, actions within one VPS do not impact others, making it challenging for hackers to disrupt the system. While the possibility of a VPS being compromised still exists, it remains less likely compared to shared hosting environments.

Keep in mind that no hosting platform is entirely immune to cyber threats, but VPS stands out as one of the more secure options. 

Is a Firewall Necessary for Your VPS?

There are individuals with malicious intent who continually seek ways to infiltrate computers and steal data. They may employ age-old tactics or craft new ones. A firewall serves as a robust door and lock system for your computer which doesn’t allow these types of individuals to invade your website.

While VPS inherently comes with heightened security, the addition of a firewall acts as a great protective measure. A firewall can detect malicious data infiltration and identify and block suspicious traffic. It acts as an additional layer of security for your virtual space, permitting you to regulate traffic types and access points. 

Why Opt for Managed Servers Over Unmanaged Servers?

Managed services entail round-the-clock assistance from seasoned experts. They promptly resolve issues and proactively mitigate potential threats. In contrast, unmanaged servers leave you solely responsible for security. You must undertake all security measures and backup procedures independently, which may necessitate hiring specialists or acquiring specialized tools. Here are some additional reasons why you need to consider managed VPS over unmanaged: 

Ongoing Updates

As we mentioned earlier, managed servers benefit from expert oversight, ensuring timely updates and fixes. Conversely, unmanaged servers mandate self-administered updates and maintenance that needs to be done by you. If you don’t want to be bothered with these tasks, consider using managed hosting instead of unmanaged one. 

Safeguarding Your Data

Managed servers also encompass regular data backups. These backups function as duplicates of crucial files, securely stored in case of server disruptions or hacks. If your server encounters an issue, or you experience data loss, you can easily retrieve older data and keep your website running. You must have a good backup strategy, because if you don’t, you run the risk of losing your website. 

Keep in mind that for unmanaged servers, the responsibility of creating backups falls on your shoulders.

Resilient Against Cyberattacks

Managed servers offer robust protection against cyberattacks. They come equipped with specialized shields that detect malicious attempts before they do any damage. Moreover, supplementary tools like Cloudflare can further increase your server’s security. If you have a managed server, the hosting provider will install all the additional tools that will protect your website. On the other hand, if you have unmanaged hosting, you have to install additional protection against cyberattacks. 


In conclusion, understanding VPS security is crucial for keeping your virtual space safe. VPS offers enhanced protection compared to shared hosting, but it is not immune to hacking. You need to be proactive and have strong protective practices if you want to ensure that your website will not be hacked. If you do not have the knowledge or the time to secure your hosting environment, opt for managed hosting for best results.  

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