You’re not alone if you have noticed that your bills are going up. Most of us are paying more for our energy, rent, mortgages, subscriptions, and gas as spiralling inflation eats into paychecks everywhere. With bills rising so quickly, it can feel like simply keeping your head above water is becoming an insurmountable obstacle.
However, if you take a closer look at your bills, you might find some opportunities to save money that you had no idea existed. Here are some easy ways to reduce your household bills overnight.
Call your internet/cell provider
It is almost universally the case that if you call up your cell plan and internet provider to tell them you are quitting for a competitor, they will offer you a lower rate than you currently pay. In fact, making this call at the right time can slash your current bills in this area by more than 50%. All you need to do is pick up the phone. Make sure to tell your provider you have found a cheaper deal elsewhere, and they will likely be automatically authorized to offer you a cheaper plan on the spot in exchange for your continued loyalty.
Hack your energy bill
Energy bill costs are spiralling out of control. You have a few options if you need to urgently save on electricity, gas, and water. You might be able to swap providers and save money, but this is getting harder to achieve these days. However, a few adjustments will usually save you money with your current provider.
For example, swapping to direct debit instead of billed payments is always cheaper. Meanwhile, switching to paperless billing will also save you money with most providers. You can also install a smart meter to track your energy use. Finally, don’t forget always to challenge any bills that seem suspiciously high. Utility companies get it wrong way more often than you might think.
Swap out your mortgage
As inflation climbs, so do interest rates. This is hitting homeowners hard, who are already finding themselves saddled with more expensive mortgages than they bargained for. If this applies to you, you can swap your current mortgage out for a cheaper one in no time. By using a free mortgage adviser from trussle, you can have your eligibility for a lower-rate mortgage checked instantly. This could save you thousands every year.
Go efficient
If you want to save more money on energy, you need to opt for a more efficient approach. There are many ways to do this to have a very quick and noticeable impact on your bills. Swapping to energy-efficient lightbulbs will save you hundreds of dollars a year. Likewise, for those who opt for an energy-efficient, STAR-certified appliance. Insulating your home and installing a modern boiler will also usually shave a few hundred dollars a year from your bills, so the initial investment should pay off.
By getting smart about your monthly bills, you can instantly reduce them. Try these tricks to start living more for less.