An engineering thesis enables you to obtain an engineering degree. Above all, it proves that you can apply what you have learned at university and the research and concepts contained in the literature. It primarily uses different methods to differ from the bachelor’s and master’s theses. The university expects us to demonstrate our ability to solve engineering tasks using general and specialized knowledge and prove that we can use modern tools of engineering action.
Engineering work should be closely linked between research work and engineering practice. The hallmark of an engineering thesis is the extensive practical part. It provides evidence of our ability to apply the knowledge we have acquired. As a rule, an engineering thesis should be either design, descriptive-design, or descriptive-utilitarian, and in some courses, analytical-descriptive or empirical.
To write a good engineering thesis, you should:
Choose an issue/subject/problem that interests you and a supervisor
Thematically, the engineering thesis should, of course, be related to our field of study and our chosen specialization. As a rule, the university provides suggestions for future thesis supervisors, who indicate specific topics you can write under their supervision. Two criteria should guide our choice. The first is our interests and skills. At this stage of our studies, we usually already know what we are passionate about and what we are good at. The second criterion is the person of the supervisor. It is worth asking students of older years which of the academics you work well with. You may want to write your dissertation with a particular promoter, but the topics he/she proposes do not suit you. If this is the case, you can always consult with a dissertation help service like and try to convince your supervisor to agree to revise your dissertation on an entirely different topic.
Discuss the action plan with the promoter
For the meeting with the supervisor to establish the course of cooperation, we should prepare a preliminary concept of the thesis – its purpose, a proposal for a plan, an outline for the execution of the project, or the development of the idea. The thesis supervisor will treat us much more seriously, seeing that we take independent action. It will also be easier for him or her to refer to what we have prepared rather than develop the concept with us from the beginning. During a meeting with a promoter, it’s worth taking notes, asking about what seems unclear to us, making sure we understand a particular issue and asking for clarification of what we have trouble understanding. The more thoroughly you discuss your thesis with your advisor, the less you will have to amend it later.
Familiarise yourself with the subject literature
An engineering thesis contains a theoretical section, the purpose of which is to review current research. This, of course, refers to research on the issue you are dealing with. To do this, the relevant literature must be collected. The current literature is mainly contained in scientific journals. Ask your dissertation supervisor for help; he/she will certainly show you what to consult.
Structure the thesis
An engineering thesis should consist of the following parts: table of contents, abstract, an introduction containing an introduction to the subject of the work under discussion and a justification for the choice of the subject, the purpose of the work formulated in the form of a specific thesis and the scope of the position indicating the scale of the research, review of current literature, design or conception (this part should include detailed assumptions concerning the discussed problem, materials used, methods, procedures, possibly a cost calculation of the project or other vital information), conclusions, literature list, appendices. The formatting requirements for the paper – what font, spacing, types of footnotes, what the title page should look like, and how to sign figures and tables – are usually strictly indicated by each university.
Write subsequent chapters
Ideally, following the structure of the thesis, start with the purpose of the thesis and the literature review. Then develop a design. Finally, conclude and formulate them in conclusion. Write the introduction and summary at the very end.
Check the text for linguistic and stylistic correctness
What should you bear in mind? An engineering paper should demonstrate knowledge of engineering skills – the ability to make design calculations, technical drawings, and use price lists, standards, and patents; it cannot be merely descriptive, must include a definition of the problem and its components, should use analytical, simulation, experimental or statistical methods, especially when analyzing measurement data, as a rule, an engineering paper of at least 30 pages is required.