Important Reasons Why POS Systems Should Be Integrated with Netsuite ERP

by Jones David

A POS, full for Point-Of-Sale, is significant for any business. It is vital as it allows clients to pay for goods and services the company offers. That same system provides the business owners a platform to properly gauge the enterprise’s success through the sales and profits made. As well as have a clear view of several other factors in the establishment. Some of those things are as follows:

  • The billing
  • The ordering channel
  • Sales monitoring and reporting
  • Inventory management
  • Customer experience
  • Employee management
  • Loyalty programs

Those are but of a few POS characteristics that will ensure the success of your business venture. And the best software to handle all these is the Oracle’s Netsuite POS

Want to know why? Read on to find out.

Netsuite offers seamless connectivity

All businesses have a supply chain that must be kept active and functional for the company to stay afloat. Most times, this chain is divided into three parts, the vendor of the raw material, the middleman, which is the business, and lastly, it is the consumer, who happens to the client. It may have more than three divisions, but these three are the main. 

With the Netsuite POS, the business will have uninterrupted connectivity among the three parties. For instance, a restaurant using the Netsuite EPR will have clear and detailed food vendors report. The sheets will provide the schedule of the next order and quantity. Next, the system will reflect the resulting food made from the stock brought, and lastly, it will show how many customers were fed in that order only. This connectivity puts everything into perspective and gives the business owner ample space to make adjustments whenever required.

The sales and profits are well documented

No one ever wants to go digging into past paperwork to check how much the business made the past month. The Netsuite POS is an automated system that gets everything laid down in systematic order. If you would like to view the sales per day, per month, per year, or even on a particular shift, it is possible. This well automated documentation of sales and profits gives the business an easy time when it comes to referencing the performance of a business.

It offers an incredible inventory and stock management system

Whenever stock comes in from the vendor, a confirmation report is updated automatically in the system. All the nitty-gritty of the orders ensures that the company has what they always need in stock. And in case one material is running out, an alert is prompted so that another order might be sent out. This inventory overview is great for budgeting and planning for future orders.

It offers a well-arranged in-house employee management

If the business is in the service providing industry such as a beauty parlor, the Netsuite EPR integrated into the system ensures that you know who is in shift and their role. This is very helpful as it comes to help in scenarios you want to gauge an employee’s performance. The overview will provide you with their sales and profits. And even when faced with a complaint or discrepancies, you might be able to trace it to the source without a sweat.

The system is time-saving

The very fact that you can access so much in the touch of a button saves so much time. Real-time access to data held in the system makes it faster to retrieve, confirm, and compare data. It also makes it time-efficient to process orders, bills, and managing all office functions.

One more thing the system will help save time on is the periods spent on training the staff. The Netsuite POS is straightforward and requires little. The simple interface allows installation and usage in a short time.

The EPR is cost-effective

Before technology, businesses used storage spaces to store all the paperwork in cabinets on papers stacked in files. All these materials needed money to make, not forgetting the area used for storage. With a cloud POS like Netsuite, this space can be used for something else, perhaps expand office space or another useful function. The costs on printers, paper, cartridge, and other external storage devices are saved in the long run.

You might also be able to reassign some staff members to attend to other duties since the POS takes over things like inventory.

To enhance customer experience

When clients are served well, they do come back and, better yet, refer others to your business. With Netsuite, this experience will be made more satisfactory. The system allows you to incorporate loyalty programs, discounts, and refunds promptly. With such an enhancement, you are bound to get better feedback on your products and services. 

Netsuite EPR is customizable

The system can be expanded for extra capabilities like shipping integration and change management as examples. This customization and expandability add a personal touch to the POS system making work easy for different companies worldwide.

Netsuite EPR is secure

Being a product of one of the most advanced software companies globally, Oracle, the Netsuite systems are very sophisticated and guarantees data security. Their servers are the best safeguarded globally, meaning that all your companies information is in safe hands.

What companies will benefit most using the Netsuite EPR?

Oracle’s Netsuite can essentially be used by any company that wants to streamline its operations, be it financial, human resource, or any mentioned above. But the ones that will have the best service are the ones with a staff count ranging from 50 to 1000.

The companies earning between 10 million to 50 million in revenue will also benefit greatly using Netsuite EPR.

Currently, Netsuite is used across the board in manufacturing, distribution, retail, professional sectors, software sector, and non-profit enterprises. This spread emphasizes that Netsuite is customizable to fit any business and offer each the job requirements it demands. It is a powerful software that meets all your needs, so why not get the Netsuite EPR for your company?

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