Top 7 Cybersecurity Threats to Watch Out for Today

by Jones David

Cybersecurity threats are very much real in this day and age. With more and more businesses transferring their resources online, cybercriminals see this as a potential payday. Experts predict that cyber-attacks will result in trillions (yes, trillions!) of dollars of damage worldwide by 2025.

Some cyberattacks are more common than others, so it’s important to familiarize yourself with the biggest threats. In this article, you’ll find the top 7 cybersecurity threats to watch out for today, as well as some of the best ways to reduce these threats and protect your sensitive data online.

  1. Ransomware

Ransomware is software used by hackers to block access to your device and demand payment to get it back. In 2020, ransomware attacks grew three-fold and were devastating to many individuals and companies.

One of the best ways to reduce the risk of ransomware attacks or other cyberattacks is using a VPN service. A VPN encrypts your data and hides your IP and location. Sure, it doesn’t have the power to stop you from clicking on malicious links. That’s totally in your hands. However, it’ll definitely make it more difficult for hackers to find you and target you. Check out to learn more about the benefits of VPNs.

Also, have a backup of your data and update it regularly. This way, you won’t need to worry about paying the ransom, and you won’t lose your time-sensitive data.

  1. Social engineering

Social engineering refers to tricking users into giving away their sensitive information voluntarily. Hackers may create fake emails, websites, pop-ups, or make phone calls posing as someone who looks trustworthy enough for you to give your info away. 

For instance, your “boss” may send you an email telling you they lost their account info and ask for your login info. Or, you might receive a message from a “family friend” asking you to check out their website, which is actually infected with malware. There are lots of social engineering techniques, and hackers keep thinking of new ones, so always be careful about who you trust online.

  1. DDoS attacks

A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack is when a hacker sends a huge number of bots to a website until it crashes. To detect and avoid DDoS attacks, you should keep track of your traffic. This means monitoring your visitors and keeping an eye out for any unusual behavior or unexpected surges in the number of users.

To avoid DDoS attacks, consider using a zero-trust network. A zero-trust network is when each visitor to your website must be identified and verified somehow. It essentially means that there is “zero trust” for any unknown visitor.

  1. Cloud breaches

Although cloud computing helps facilitate business activities, it also makes sensitive data more vulnerable to hackers. The more people there are with on-demand access to specific data, the more likely that data is to get hacked.

Cloud breaches may happen for several reasons. For instance, it may occur due to genuine mistakes, like a user giving an outsider access by accident. A cloud may also be hacked if the organization fails to use the correct cybersecurity and encryption tools. Or, someone with access to the cloud may intentionally leak the data to harm the organization.

To avoid cloud breaches, make sure you use plenty of security tools and only grant access to sensitive data when you have to.

  1. Insider threats

An insider threat is when anyone from within your organization has the power to perform a cyber attack because of the data they have access to. For instance, employees may steal, trade, or sell sensitive company data.

Sometimes, employees can harm an organization entirely by accident. For instance, by falling victim to a phishing attack. The result is still the same, so you need to be careful. To reduce the risk of insider threats, make sure that users only have access to the data that they need, never more than that. Also, keep tabs on employees or partners that you don’t completely trust. Sure, they might not appreciate this, but better safe than sorry!

  1. Cryptojacking

Cryptojacking is when hackers get into your device and use it for mining cryptocurrencies. Cryptojacking malware can get onto your device through various malicious links and pop-ups or through infected websites. 

Usually, the user has no idea that crypto jacking is going on. What they do notice is that their device is unusually slow or keeps crashing. To prevent these types of attacks from happening, be careful about what you click on and make sure you have antivirus software.

  1. Password hacking

Hackers have so many methods for hacking passwords. For instance, they can intercept your connection to unencrypted wifi. They can also send out malware through links or pop-ups. Or, they can perform brute force attacks (where a hacker tries out a lot of passwords simultaneously).

To keep your passwords safe from such attacks, they must all be different, long, and complicated. A password manager can help keep all of your passwords in order.

Bottom line

So those were 7 of the top cybersecurity threats that you should keep an eye out for. Some are more dangerous than others, but you certainly wouldn’t want to fall victim to any of them. Luckily, there are always ways to protect yourself and your organization, such as:

  • Using a VPN;
  • Using antivirus software;
  • Using a password manager;
  • Thinking twice before giving anyone access to sensitive data.

By following these guidelines and staying alert, you’ll be much safer and more likely to steer clear of cyber attacks!

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