Is Your Web Hosting Secure Enough?

by Jones David

Website owners get so excited about their new project that security is often the last thing on their minds. They get lost in the hustle and bustle of web design, how to find customers and other aesthetics, and forget that security should be a major concern.

Selecting a web host that will deliver as much security as possible should be a primary consideration. Even though website security can never be fully guaranteed, there are a few points that should be present to protect your hard work.

Let’s cover some key points you should consider when choosing a secure web hosting service.

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What Software Security Processes Are Present?

Web hosting providers will use specific operating systems (OS) on their servers. While the OS is relatively secure, the software used may be less so.

Software installations typically make the server vulnerable to security threats, especially web applications. When looking at a website level, WordPress plugins, for example, are used to improve website functions, which change how secure the website remains.

Check if the web host whether they use the most current PHP scripts or other, and how often the core software updates take place. Keeping software current adds to security as it reduces vulnerabilities. High-quality hosting is vital to increasing the security of your website when selecting the right host for your site. Take a look at the security features one of the providers as an example can give you

SSL Service Provision

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a web host element that must be present. SSL protocols regulate server and web browser encryption connections for security purposes.

Look for the green padlock icon in the URL to determine if SSL is provided. SSL is a definite requirement in quality web hosting together with a user-friendly SSL installer such as AutoInstall SSL. AutoInstall SSL is important as it covers various degrees of security including DV, OV, and EV. However, keep in mind that there are other alternatives that are just as good, like Cloudflare.

Find out if the web host allows private SSL and if this must be configured for every domain that you purchase from them. SSL certificates increase customer confidence along with website security.

Image Source: Cloudflare


Firewalls protect websites by blocking unsanctioned traffic through the server network. A quality web host will ensure that firewalls are applied at the data center level.

Firewalls are necessary to regulate, monitor, and protect data traffic. Data center-level security must be supported by the presence of firewalls for web applications. Web applications firewalls are dedicated to regulating traffic focused on web applications.

Despite the many security systems established by web hosts, often faulty configuration causes security vulnerabilities. Entire networks can be placed at risk, as well as its performance.

Research the host to learn whether they use firewalls, where they are applied, what protocols are used, and how frequently settings are revised. You do not need a web host that requires you to use a third-party to install this security feature.

Malware Scanning

Malware is that nasty software that has a negative impact on PC performance. Anything from worms, spyware, and viruses can affect PC function.

Impacts range from annoying to devastating when all data suddenly disappears or is stolen. Malware can impact PCs and servers so it is vital that the web host defends systems against this threat.

You should check the web host on how frequently they scan their systems for malware if remote malware scanning is provided, and whether they monitor file integrity.

A quality web host will provide all of these services. A high-quality host will isolate accounts to prevent malware from spreading to other customers. Find out what levels of service the web host delivers.

DDoS Attack Mitigation

Hackers and attackers go to extensive lengths to cause misery. If your web host does not guard against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), you need to find one that does.

DDoS attacks involve multiple requests aimed at overwhelming the web host, which negatively impacts server capacity and service.

At the least, the web host should have a CDN partnership to reduce this risk. Mitigation protocols should be in place and the host should provide answers as to what support levels are available should a DDoS attack take place.

Content Delivery Networks (CDN) is needed to provide support if a DDoS attack occurs. Don’t let the web host tell you otherwise as large companies have fallen prey to this destruction.

CDNs are extensive global server networks that support rapid data transfer and can manage attacks that place immense pressure on services. Excellent web hosts will use CDNs to deliver better service to customers when facing attacks.

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Backups and Data Restoration

Regular backups are linked to web security. File corruption on websites happens from time to time as data centers make mistakes.

Earlier versions of corrupt files need to be accessible for restoration, which requires regular backups by the web host. Choose a web host that does regular backups and restoration of data.

Find out more about this process, the timeframe of data retention, and how long the archive cycles are.

Users can do their own backups, but these basic security measures should take place at the server level. Finally, ask whether their service level agreements (SLA) specifically speak about how the host manages disaster situations. All these questions must be answered before appointing a web host that will look out for your website security properly.

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Availability and Uptime

Security measures by quality web hosts must comprise the vital threesome of confidentiality, integrity, and availability – CIA. Here CIA refers to the security model employed by the host that frames comprehensive policies.

What this means is that optimum policies and implementation will deliver uptime and availability to customers.

Look for uptime guarantees in the SLA, whether quality technology is used such as RAID and redundancies for hardware and network, or alternative mirror locations.

Be alert to SLA T&Cs that compromise uptime in the event of attacks, for example. Investment in these measures is a good indication of the quality of security that can be expected. Uptime guarantees should reflect 99.9% and if not, find one that does.

Do not be afraid to ask questions about uptime guarantees, refunds, or additional services if these are breached, and available user options if excessive downtime occurs.

Wrap Up

Security is critical for the owner’s website and for visitors and should be the first priority rather than a last-minute consideration. Pay attention to the security measures discussed to protect yourself, your business, and customers to avoid undesirable consequences.

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