Link building techniques to adopt Right now!

by Jones David

Link building is a significant technique of SEO, and you can’t ignore its importance. It is considered to be the most challenging aspect of SEO, and most of the people need supervision with link-building techniques. But with this article, you won’t be needing guidance anymore. You’ll gather sample knowledge in the article about the core link-building techniques which will help in strengthening your SEO strategy. Let’s get started with it but wait before that you can try this service too which is one of the leading service nowadays.

Firstly you need to know that Google Penguin’s new update has changed SEO big time. This new update is highly efficient and is focused more on quality content. The higher the quality, the higher will be your ranking on search engines. Long form content is ranked higher on search engine rankings than that of the short form content. Search about anything and you’ll notice that most of the top results have long-form content.

How to analyze a Link’s potential?

How do we differentiate between useful links and wrong links? What do you think makes one link better than the other? And most importantly, what type of links will impart a significant impact on your site’s ranking. PR of a website matters a lot. PR is a piece of information that comes from Google directly. People put efforts into fixing their homepage PR, but it’s their page’s PR that matters. Well to find the PR of a site you can download a toolbar named “toolbar PR” on your Firefox to analyze the PR better.

Following factors let you analyze the quality of links:

  • Domain Authority
  • Trust
  • Number of inbound links
  • Referring domains
  • Contextual backlinks
  • Outbound links
  • Age of the domain
  • Co-citations

All the factors, as mentioned above, help you analyze the quality of the backlink. It let you explain how a link can help your website to rank better on search engine rankings.

Link Building Techniques:

  • Impressive Content Link Building:

The biggest myth of SEO is that mere quality content can help your site rank better on SEO. But it’s not true. Can you create a hell of content and still won’t gain the traction you require? Want to know why? Well, some factors contribute to the content rather than that of non-spun, non-plagiarized, and quality content. Rather than just creating content about anything, plan your content around a keyword which is trending in your niche. You can find keywords using SEM rush and Google Adwords. Choose the keyword with decent search volume. I suggest choosing a moderate volume keywords.

Design of the content is also a critical factor in successful content link building. Linking useful content to your piece of content you’ve designed using anchor texts increase the credibility of the content and make it even more authentic. To keep track of your content swimming online, you need to manage a proper doc sheet or excel sheet. And would require high-speed internet for daily monitoring. Spectrum contour and Spectrum internet are the services I can entirely rely on. I have tried several other big names of the telecom industry, but Spectrum has my faith. The exceptional customer service and their excellent TV and internet service has ultimately won me over.

  • Submission Backlinks:

Not all the backlinks can be gained by embedding PageRank powerhouses within some unique content. You can also acquire a handful of backlinks by submitting information about your business, site, or sharing informational content regarding anything on different platforms. You can drive backlinks from submission using the following tactics:

  • Business linking sites
  • Guest posting
  • Article Submissions
  • Blog Commenting
  • Social media sharing
  • Submit your infographics or images to design galleries
  • Writer’s designer’s portfolio
  • Relation-based link-building:

Targeting the influencers of a niche to market your product or to introduce your business to masses is an effective strategy for link-building. Due to Google’s new Penguin update the black hat SEO strategies have died. SEO community now highly acknowledge the relationship based link-building technique. Building a strong relationship with high domain authority sites is essential. The Best way to gain such a high-quality link is to create a genuine, non-transactional relationship with the person that runs the show.

  • Broken Link-building technique:

The broken link building technique is also an old but effective SEO technique. This technique was highly neglected, but now is the most adaptable technique. It helps in building a strong relationship with the webmaster and also in gaining strong backlinks. All you have to do is find the broken links, or pages that cannot be found or the pages that have been removed. After finding them contact the webmaster and ask for permission to replace the page with something useful or to fix the problem. Several tools allow you to find broken or dead links. Few of them are named below:

  • Domain hunter plus
  • Buzz maker
  • Through Google Search queries
  • Data-based searches
  • Broken link index

I hope this article helped you in identifying The Best link-building platforms which can give a boost to your SEO strategy. Let us know if the article has been of help through your comments.

About the Author:

Danish Sheikh submits the original content for this article. He is a Digital Marketer who loves to play with Data and Analytics. He does and enjoys establishing businesses online through digital marketing.

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