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Music is something that everyone likes, so the best music games for Xbox can be some of the most fun games out there. When you add puzzles, shooting, dancing, or the use of electric instruments that can be played with a group of friends, you have a genre that quickly becomes a favourite around the house.
Even though music isn’t as clear-cut as it used to be remember when it was basically, there are many more creative ways to play these games, so the scene has never been better than now. But now that there are so many best music games for Xbox to choose from, it can be hard to decide which one to play.
The best music games for Xbox genre is one of the best examples of a niche genre. If you love music and want to use a plastic peripheral in Guitar Hero or a controller in a game like PaRappa the Rapper, then this is the perfect genre for you. Even though it only comes out every so often, there is still a pretty big audience for these fan favourites.
Best Music Games for Xbox
Crypt Of The NecroDancer

When Crypt Of The NecroDancer came out, it immediately caught people’s attention. It was the first best music games for Xbox of its kind to combine dungeon-crawling adventures with rhythm-based gameplay. You can choose from 15 different characters to play as and go through many dungeons. You’ll move to the beat of the music every time you move, so does the rest of the dungeon.
You can test yourself in many ways, such as by trying to get the highest score, doing a speedrun, or finishing the crypt with each character. You’ll have to change how you use them because they all play differently. You’ll have a lot to do in the title, which has 40 main tracks and lets you upload MP3s.
Guitar Hero: Metallica

This best music games for Xbox was made by the British company FreeStyleGames, and Activision put it on the market. Guitar Hero Metallica is played in the same way as the other games in the series. Players will need a controller that looks like a guitar with a strum bar and buttons corresponding to the music notes on a scrolling highway.
Rock Band is a great game with a lot of songs, but it lacks two things: real heavy metal (not just pop-metal garbage) and challenges. Both of these problems can be fixed with Metallica in Guitar Hero. This game has a great song list if you like Metallica or other old-school metal bands. There is no set level of difficulty for these songs. Even though they have a lot of notes, they are just as fun and rewarding as any song in a rhythm game.
Cadence of Hyrule

Fans of Crypt of the NecroDancer and The Legend of Zelda will love how Cadence of Hyrule brings together the best parts of both games. You can’t go wrong with this gem, which has exciting rhythmic gameplay, beautiful 2D animation graphics, and a lively vibe. In this best music game for Xbox, you play as Cadence, the main character from Crypt of the NecroDancer.
She is brought to Hyrule by the Triforce and wakes up with Link and Zelda. The two groups have differing goals. While Cadence looks for a way back home, Link and Zelda must travel all over Hyrule to find and defeat Octavo’s four champions. When enemies are on the screen, players will have to move and attack to the beat of the music.
Rez Infinite

A standalone extension to the 2001 game Rez called Rez Infinite. Naturally, it is included with the original game. In spite of this, it includes a brand-new level named Area X, so you’re not only getting one of the best music games for Xbox ever built, but also access to fresh material created in the same universe that was first hacked for the PlayStation 2 and Dreamcast.
The unrestricted cyberspace of Infinite’s Area X is even better because the entire experience can be played in PSVR. Rez Infinite is a great choice if you desire neon lights, electric soundtrack, and an addictive gameplay loop that pushes you to try it again for a new high score. Download Rez Infinite from its officially website.
Rhythm Heaven

One of Nintendo’s underappreciated series is this one. This game has amazing rhythmic gameplay, calming and upbeat music, and entertaining characters. It’s a mini-game fiesta that was created with a lot of love and enthusiasm that will keep you interested.
In these best music games for Xbox, there isn’t actually a protagonist that you follow. The themes of the mini-games differ, but they always focus on musical beats and rhythm. You might be required to cut down logs in one game, while interviewing a wrestler in another. To earn points in each game, you must carefully hit buttons at predetermined intervals.
BPM: Bullets Per Minute

BPM: Bullets Per Minute is one of the most original shooter experiences available because that is exactly what it is. It functions like any other shooter with heavy metal influences, like Doom or Quake, but you must time your shots to an on-screen metronome rather than shooting freely.
You’ll be doing this while you travel through ominous castles and Norse mythology-inspired landscapes, all the while your screen is bathed in warm hues like orange and red. As if these fast-paced shooters weren’t already stressful enough, it is as demanding as it sounds, but if you’re up for the task, you’re in for one of the most satisfying best music games for Xbox in the music genre.

Thumper asks a question about best music games for Xbox that has never been asked before: what if a rhythm game was scary? Thumper came out in 2016, and it feels more like a dystopian hunt where you’re the prey and a violent, moving song is the hunter. Because of this, each track’s beat is given extra attention.
Thumper is a music game where a metal beetle races along a track like an on-rails shooter. Instead of vocals and pop songs, the game is mostly made up of percussion instruments. But just staying alive requires quick reactions and close attention to the beat. Thumper is not for people who are easily stressed out, but if you want to play a rhythm-based music game with a twist, it’s worth your time.
Final Words
There are a lot of best music games for Xbox out there, and now that you can play them on your phone or at home, you have more options than ever. So how do you get past all the noise and find the “Best of” anything. Well, we’re here to help celebrate and draw attention to some of the newest, best, and most memorable games of all time. As part of our series of articles about the best video games, this one is about the best music games for Xbox ever made.