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If someone asked you Find Your Phone Number, have you ever forgotten it? You needed to fill out a form with your contact information, but you couldn’t remember your phone number. You can find your own phone number on your phone if you add yourself as a contact.
When someone asks for your phone number and you can’t remember it, it’s the most embarrassing thing that could happen. If you use your phone for business, stumbling over your phone number can make you look very unprofessional. Many of us have two phones, so it’s not easy to remember our work numbers.
On both iOS and Android, you can quickly look up your phone number on your phone. Below, we’ll show you how to do it and give you some more tips.
Find Your Phone Number on iPhone and iPad
When you insert your SIM card in your iPhone or iPad, Siri will auto-detect your phone number from the settings menu and add it to your contact card.
- Launch the Phone app, head to the Contacts tab, and tap your name in the “My Card” section. Alternatively, open the Contacts app and select your name card to see your phone number.
- You can remove the phone number if it’s incorrect. Tap the “phone” card, select Don’t Suggest Phone Number, and select Don’t Suggest Phone Number again on the confirmation prompt.
- You can also find your phone number from the iOS settings menu. Open the Settings app, select Phone, and check the My Number row for your phone number.
- You can always edit or change the phone number if it’s incorrect. Tap My Number, enter the correct phone number, and select Save.
- To check your Apple ID phone number on iPhones and iPads, open the Settings app, select your Apple ID name, tap Name, Phone Numbers, Email, and check the phone number in the “Reachable At” section.
Find iPhone Phone Number on Mac
- Launch Finder and select your iPhone or iPad in the “Locations” section on the sidebar.
- Select your iPhone’s model name, serial number, or storage information until your phone number appears in the section.
- Your iPhone’s phone number will appear next to your IMEI number.
- Want to copy the number to your Mac’s clipboard? Right-click or control-click the number and select Copy Phone Number.
Find Your Phone Number on Android
Depending on the model of your Android device and the version of its operating system, the steps you need to take to check your phone number may be different. Still, Android has a number of built-in ways to check your cell phone number.
If you don’t use the stock Android interface (e.g., Samsung and LG, for example), go to Settings > About device (or About phone) > Status > My phone number. Android will list the multiple phone numbers if your phone uses more than one SIM card slot/port. If your phone number is listed as “Unknown,” restart your phone and check again. You can also try removing and reinserting your SIM card.
If your phone number remains listed as “Unknown,” check if it’s running the latest Android version. Otherwise, go to Settings > System > Advanced > System update and ensure your phone has the latest Android version.
For every Android phone, regardless of manufacturer, you’ll be able to find your phone number if you go to Settings > About Phone or About Device > Status > My phone number. Some Android phones will have SIM or SIM card status listed within Status.
If you can’t see or select your number in Messages or FaceTime. Make sure that you’re using the latest software for your Mac or iOS device. Make sure that you correctly followed the iPhone steps to set up your phone number. You should be using the same Apple ID on all of your devices.
Usually, the contacts get sync automatically if your Google account is linked with your Android smartphone. But just in case the contacts have not been synced yet, try syncing your contacts manually. And it might help in contacts to show up.