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In this article we will show you how to Fix ‘Bluestacks Engine Won’t Start’ issue. Bluestacks is without a doubt one of the best cloud-based Android emulators for Windows and Mac. Bluestacks, for those who don’t know, lets you run Android games and apps on your computer. The Android emulator app, on the other hand, isn’t all that smooth. Even though Bluestacks is mostly stable, there are a lot of problems that come with it that make it a pain to use. One of these problems is that Bluestacks Engine won’t start. When trying to open the application, the message “You can try to restart Engine or your PC” may appear, but restarting either or both of them does nothing. If you want to know more information about this Visit Official Microsoft Website for further Support.
The error could be caused by a number of things, such as a bug in a certain version of Bluestacks, restrictions put in place by antivirus software, etc. Since the Android ecosystem has grown, there has always been a need for a powerful, up-to-date Android emulator. The most popular Android emulator, Bluestacks, has always been a step ahead of the competition. But some users have said that they see the error message “Could not start the Engine” when they sideload app files or just after installing the latest update. You can try to restart either the Engine or your computer. Here are all of the known ways to Fix ‘Bluestacks Engine Won’t Start’ issue, with step-by-step instructions.
Update Your Graphics Driver
Fix: ‘Bluestacks Engine Won’t Start’ issue: If you had trouble with BlueStacks on a Windows PC, it could also be because your graphics driver was out of date. Updating the graphics driver can fix a lot of problems on a PC, which is why we recommend that you do it every so often. So, here’s what you need to do to update the graphic drive:
- First, press the Windows key plus the letter R to open the Run dialog box.
- In the box that appears, type devmgmt.Msc. Then you click the OK button.
- Now, Device Manager will open on your PC screen.
- Next, go to Display Adapters and open it.
- Then choose the driver for the graphics.
- After that, you need to right-click on the Graphics Driver and choose “Update Driver” from the menu that comes up.
- Now, click the button that says “Search automatically.” To check and see if there are any new updates.
- If you see the option to update the driver software, click on it.
- The process of updating will begin.
Re-Install the Bluestacks
If your BlueStacks engine won’t start and you’re having trouble, and you’ve tried all of the solutions above and still can’t get it to work, here’s what you can do. Don’t give up! You can still fix BlueStacks not opening on Windows 10 by reinstalling the Bluestacks Android Emulator on your computer. All of the problems with the app can be fixed by reinstalling it, which puts the app back to where it was at the beginning. Follow the steps below to get rid of Bluestacks from your PC:
- Press the Windows and R keys together to open the Run box.
- Type “%Temp%” into the box and press “Enter.”
- Now, all of your PC’s temporary folders will open.
- Click the Ctrl and A keys together to select all the temporary files.
- Now, click all the options that say “Delete” to get rid of all the Temp files.
- Now, you can get rid of Bluestacks Android Emulator from your PC by downloading the official cleaner. Get this BlueStack Cleaner and run it.
- Now, if it asks for permission to run BlueStacks cleaner, click the “Yes” button.
- When you’re done uninstalling, a message that says “Process Has Been Finished” will appear on the screen.
- Click the OK button now. Then the process of uninstalling will be done correctly.
Enable the Virtualization Technology on your Windows PC
Blue Stacks Engine Won’t Start problems are easy to fix on Windows 11/10. Just turn on the Virtualization Technology. Many users said that the problem went away when they turned on the Virtualization Technology option in the BIOS. It gives the virtualization hardware a boost and helps the Android BlueStacks emulator run smoothly without getting stuck on the loading screen. But before you start enabling, make sure that your PC’s hardware can handle Virtualization Technology. To turn on Virtualization Technology, follow the steps below:
- Click to Download Intel® Processor Identification Utility is the first step.
- Once the Intel Processor Identification Utility is downloaded, extract the file, click the file, and install the software on your Windows 10 computer.
- The installation process will be done in a few seconds, and then you will need to run the utility.
- Now, click on the “CPU Technologies” tab and then click on the “+” icon to make it bigger.
- Find the Intel® Virtualization Technology on the list of CPU technologies (it will usually be the first one). If the answer is “Yes,” your hardware has virtualization technology.
Revert to the Previous Build
- Update your Windows PC.
- If encountering problems after the update, it means the problem is with the latest Windows update.
- In this case, the only option is to revert to the previous build.
- Follow the steps to revert to the Windows previous version.
Change The Bluestacks Graphics Mode To Directx And Change The RAM Capacity
By changing the Bluestacks Graphics Mode of the Bluestacks Android Emulator, we can easily fix the Bluestacks engine could not start problem. OpenGL is always chosen as the graphics mode by default in BlueStacks. So, in the BlueStacks engine settings, you can change the graphics mode from OpenGL to DirectX. After that, you have to turn off and then back on your PC’s Android Emulator. Follow these steps carefully if you don’t know how to switch the graphics mode from OpenGL to DirectX:
- First, on your Windows PC, open the Bluestacks Android Emulator.
- Now, on the Right Top Corner, you’ll see three dots that say “Menu“; click on one of them.
- Then, from the Drop-Down Menu, click on the setting you want.
- On the left side of the panel, you’ll see options like Boss Key, Engine, Display, Notifications, etc. You have to choose the Engine.
- Now, choose the option to Change Graphics Mode.
- You can choose between OpenGL and DirectX here.
- Select DirectX by clicking the radio button next to it.
- Then a pop-up message that says “Check DirectX Compatibility” will show up.
- Under the message, you’ll see a button that says “Reboot Now” or “Restart Now.” If you click on it, the Bluestacks will restart in DirectX Mode.
- Bluestacks will run in DirectX Graphics Mode after you reset the Bluestacks Android Emulator.
Why BlueStacks cannot start?
This problem can happen if BlueStacks wasn’t set up correctly on your PC. If the installation is broken, it won’t run right, so you may need to reinstall the software. If the installation is broken, BlueStacks won’t work on your computer, so you should fix the installation. If you have a driver problem, you might even get Blue Screen of Death errors in BlueStacks, but there are ways to fix that. When it comes to problems, users have reported the following:
- This problem can happen on almost any operating system, see Bluestacks stuck on initializing screen Windows 10. BlueStacks won’t start on Windows 10, and BlueStacks won’t start either. Windows 11, Mac
- Can’t start up BlueStacks because it can’t set up its graphics.
- Bluestacks stuck on starting engine – BlueStacks stuck on starting, also called BlueStacks infinite loading or loading forever. Stop those processes to fix the problem and see if that helps.
- Bluestacks 5 is stuck on the loading screen or the welcome screen. I can’t start Bluestacks 5 or Bluestacks X. Make sure your antivirus isn’t getting in the way of Bluestacks to fix the problem.
- Can’t start BlueStacks with error code 1, just needs a little work.
- Bluestacks is stuck on just a sec. To fix it, turn off all applications that start up automatically and then run Bluestacks again.
- Can’t get BlueStacks Hyper-V to work.