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If you want to fix insufficient storage available error on Smartphone, it’s likely that you’ve already used up most of the memory on your device. To fix this, you’ll need to make space by deleting apps and/or media. You can also add external storage, like a Micro SD card, to your phone. But sometimes, this error comes up even when there is plenty of space. This is an error that has to do with “Insufficient Storage Available.”
So, what do you think? As everyone knows, an Android and iPhone device’s built-in memory is never as big as it seems. For a device with 32GB of storage, the operating system, preinstalled apps, and wasted space take up a lot of space. This is because of how the operating system formats the storage medium.
So, if you try to install or update an app on your Android, you might get a message saying that there isn’t enough space, even though the app takes up less space than what you have on your Android. When you try to download an app, you may see a different version of a similar error, such as “This device doesn’t have enough space to download.” But there is enough space on the device to update or install the app you need, but not enough to run the process. We mentioned below are the steps How to Fix Insufficient Storage Available Error on iPhone and Android.
How to Fix Insufficient Storage Available Error on Android

Android apps need space for three things: the apps themselves, their data files, and their cache. Even though these caches can get quite big, Android still shows them as free space, even though they can’t be used for app installation. If you get the “Insufficient Storage Available” error, try clearing your app cache to see if that gives the installation enough room to work. How to do this depends on what version of Android you have and who made your device.
- Tap Apps, Applications, or Applications Manager when you open the Settings app. (You might be able to choose Applications Manager after either Apps or Applications.)
- Go to the Downloaded section by scrolling to the side. You’ll see a list of all the apps on your phone and how much space they’re using.
- Tap the Menu or More button, and then tap Sort By Size. This puts the apps in order of how much space they use.
- Tap an app to see how much space it takes up, both for the app and its data (in the Storage section) and for its cache (in the Cache section).
- Tap Clear Cache to get rid of its cache and use that space for something else. You could also tap Clear data, but that would delete your files, which is probably not a good idea.
- For each app, do it again.
Some devices have a faster way to clear the cache of all apps at once:
- Open the Settings app and tap Storage, which should be under the System tab. You’ll be able to see how much space is being used, with cached data broken out.
- Select Cache. In the pop-up confirmation box, tap Delete to get the cache out of the way so you can use the space for something else, or tap Cancel to leave the cache alone.
How to Fix Insufficient Storage Available Error on iPhone
iOS is much less likely than Android to run out of space for app updates because the cache of apps is stored in the same sandbox as the app and its data. iOS keeps each app separate for security reasons, so there is no “free space” where the cache really lives. So, iOS knows before it even tries to install an app if it has enough memory to do so. If you want to know more information about this Visit Official Apple Support site.
Even though these users had enough space for iOS 15, they didn’t have enough space to install it while iOS was still running. Apple cut down on how much space iOS 16 updates needed, but some people still didn’t have enough. In iOS, there are two ways to fix this problem: You need about 6GB of free space for the over-the-air update, so delete apps and/or their data until you have enough space. To delete an app:
- Tap and hold on one of the app icons on the home screen.
- The icons will start to move.
- Tap the X on each app you want to get rid of, then tap OK on the confirmation form. All of the app’s files and other information are deleted.
- When you’re done, press the Home button. It will stop moving.
To get rid of files in apps’ sandboxes, like videos that take up a lot of space:
- Open the app for Settings.
- Tap Use, then tap General.
- Tap Manage Storage on the Usage screen and wait a few seconds for a list of apps and how much space they use to show up.
- If you see the > icon to the right of an app’s name, you can delete its files. When you tap >, a screen that shows those files will open.
- Tap Edit in the upper right corner, then tap the Delete icon (the red circle with a minus sign in it) for each file you want to get rid of. Remember that if you didn’t back up that file to iTunes, it’s probably gone. iCloud Backup doesn’t save files from apps, but you can redownload iTunes purchases like videos and e-books for free.
- Tap Done when done.
“Android storage space running out but it’s not” is sometimes caused by having too much data on your phone’s internal memory. If you have a lot of apps on your Android device and use them all at once, the cache memory on your phone could get filled up. This would mean that your Android device doesn’t have enough storage space.
You can use the same steps to delete app data for any Android app. If you think an app is slowing down your device, clear its cache files. If you want to start over with an app, delete its data. You’ll get some space back, but none of the things you’ve downloaded will be lost.