How to use Gulp to build website: Optimizing your website’s assets and testing your design on different browsers is not the most fun part of the design process. It’s a good thing that it’s mostly made up of repetitive tasks that can be made easier with the right tools. Gulp is a build system that can help you make better websites by automating common tasks like compiling preprocessed CSS, minifying JavaScript, and reloading the browser.
Gulp.js is a build system, which means that it can be used to automate common steps in building a website. It is built on Node.js, and both the Gulp source and your Gulp file, where you define tasks, are written in JavaScript (or something like CoffeeScript, if you so choose). So, if you’re a front-end developer, it’s a great choice:
You can write tasks in a language you probably already know to check your JavaScript and CSS, parse your templates, and compile your LESS when the file has changed. These are just a few examples.
How to use Gulp to build website
- Using the above command, we can see the installed version of Node.js; after execution, we can see the result in the following command.
- In the command line prompt, enter the accompanying order to show the variant of npm (Node.js bundle chief), which is utilized to introduce modules. It will show the introduced Node.js form with the help of the below command.
- After executing the above command, we can see the currently installed version of npm on our machine, as shown in the screenshot below.
- We successfully installed the Node.js; now, we need to install the gulp by using the below command.
- gulp –v
- After executing the above command, we get the currently installed version of a gulp, as shown in the screenshot below.
- npm install –save-dev gulp-build
How to build a project using gulp?
- Install Node. js and Gulp.
- Create an Express project.
- Install NPM modules.
- Create gulpfile. js .
- Load plugins and create tasks.
- Run tasks from the command line.
How to use gulp in HTML?
We will also make a variable called “paths” that will hold the path of our source and the path to which it will be sent (where the static html files will be after the build). const gulp = require(‘gulp’); const fileinclude = require(‘gulp-file-include’); const paths = { scripts: { src: ‘./’, dest: ‘./build/’ } };
Is gulp a build tool?
gulp is a build tool in JavaScript built on node streams. These streams facilitate the connection of file operations through pipelines. gulp reads the file system and pipes the data at hand from one single-purposed plugin to another through the .pipe() operator, doing one task at a time.
Is gulp a build and automation tool?
Gulp is a build system that employs Node. js’s streams to implement an asynchronous source-destination approach to automation. Everything is written in JavaScript, so it is easy for anyone with intermediate coding knowledge to get started.