These Philips headphones are better than their pricing would imply in terms of materials, structure, and sound. However, active noise-cancelling falls short little. You’re aware of how some movies are “inspired” by books or actual events? Well, it appears that Sony’s acclaimed WH-1000XM3 wireless noise-cancelling headphones are the main source of inspiration for the Philips PH805s. It’s true that over-ear headphones frequently have a similar appearance, and any manufacturer who tries anything too daring in terms of design is courageous (or foolish). However, the PH805s have such a striking resemblance to the Sonys, particularly in the shape of the earcups, that it appears Philips is more paying respect to the WH-1000XM3s than being really “inspired” by them. The PH805s, however, are attractive and tastefully subtle. Everything that is supposed to move moves easily, and the materials feel of great quality.
Without using a phone or computer, the headphones can be operated. When the headphones are turned on after pushing the start button, the diode will light up, alerting us to the moment they begin to discharge. Since the headphones were made for exercising, running, and cycling, we may use them virtually anywhere—just not in the swimming pool.
Since these headphones are cordless and connect via Bluetooth 5.0, high-resolution audio playback should be possible. They are battery-operated and can replay for up to 30 hours on a single charge of a single Lithium-Ion cell. Additionally, they have active noise cancellation built in, which is controlled by a few mics on each earcup. The three noise-cancelation settings are “on,” “off,” and “ambient sound.” The first two options should be self-explanatory, while “ambient sound” dramatically lowers the loudness of music while gently increasing the volume of outside sounds.
The call quality is at most adequate. People on both ends of the call can hear one another and it functions well indoors. The clarity suffers greatly in loud environments, especially for the other person because the microphone picks up a lot of background noise. Fair enough, no on-ear or over-the-ear headphones have ever excelled in call quality, and this Philips model is no exception. You can answer calls, pause music, and wake up your voice assistant with the touch of a button right at your fingertips. These hearing aids are prepared to work as quickly as encides.