Technology giant Lenovo has launched its Lenovo M10 Plus (3rd Gen) Android tablet in India. The company’s latest tab is available in Strom Grey and Frost Blue. It features an octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 680 chipset coupled with 6GB of RAM and 128GB of storage space. The Lenovo Tab M10 Plus features a 10.61-inch IPS display with 2K resolution, slim bezels, 85% screen-to-body ratio, and 400 nits brightness. The Tab M10 Plus is also equipped with four speakers and Dolby Atmos support, making it ideal for streaming music and watching TV shows and movies.
The Tab M10 Plus has a height of 7.45 mm and a weight of 465 grams, and it has an 8-megapixel camera on the front and back. As for the display, the Lenovo Tab M10 Plus is equipped with a 60 Hz, 2000×1200 FHD 10.6-inch panel with 220 ppi. The display is really sharp, crisp and very clear with impressive color reproduction from all viewing angles. We enjoyed watching content with Netflix, Youtube and other apps. The Lenovo Tab M10 Plus also has a reading mode that includes grayscale and muted colors.
[content-egg-block template=offers_logo hide=price]If you enjoy taking notes or drawing with spreadsheets, the Tab M10 Plus is compatible with the Lenovo Precision Pen 2. Lenovo has included the Instant Memo Notes application, which allows you to write and even draw notes instantly. Lenovo claims that the Precision Pen has a pressure sensitivity of 4,096 levels. The Lenovo Tab M10 Plus is powered by a MediaTek Helios G80. What does this mean in practice? On the whole, performance is good and serves the purpose of an inexpensive tablet for everyday light use and multimedia consumption.
The device is equipped with a 7,700 mAh battery, which Lenovo claims can provide up to 12 hours of continuous video playback, mostly web browsing, some light gaming, and the usual social media and music streaming. Included with the Tab M10 Plus is a 10-watt charger that takes about 5 hours to charge the tablet from 0 to 100%. The Tab M10 Plus Gen 3 comes with either eMCP or uMCP storage. This is due to the fact that the MediaTek Helio G80 is not compatible with the UFS standard.
The internal eMMC 5.1 storage has a capacity of 64 GB in our Wi-Fi version of Lenovo’s tablet. Around 49 GB are still available after deducting the operating system. Those who need more capacity can expand the storage by up to 1 TB via microSD cards that support exFAT. Thanks to the exFAT file format, files larger than 4 GB can also be stored on the storage medium. Those who opt for the LTE version can also insert a nano-SIM into the card slot.