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Every users are need to check download progress on Mac. MacOS has a lot of little features that can make digital life much easier, but because they are small, Mac users often don’t notice them. The built-in transfer progress indicators in Mac OS are a great example of this kind of feature.
They make it very easy to keep an eye on the progress of files you’re downloading from anywhere, whether it’s a website, SFTP, AirDrop, or even file transfers between Macs on the same network. Many apps in the App Store are updated often to fix bugs and give customers a better experience.
Since these updates are often important, your Mac is set to automatically download them. But these automatic downloads can often slow down your internet speed and update apps you didn’t want to update. You can also go to the official Mac support site to know more information.
Ways to check download progress on Mac
Downloads folder in the Dock
The Launchpad doesn’t help with files you get from the internet instead of the Mac App Store. If you’ve moved your Downloads folder to the Dock, you can move your mouse over it to see the download progress of a file. When you move your mouse over the icon for the Downloads folder, it doesn’t show you how many MB are in it like the Launchpad does.
You can also look at the Downloads folder in Finder to see how far along a download is. Finder puts a small clock icon next to a file that is being downloaded to show how far along the download is.
Launchpad in the Dock
The easiest way to check on files being downloaded from the Mac App Store is to move the cursor over the Launchpad icon in the Dock. You’ll see a progress bar above the number of megabytes currently being downloaded and below the Launchpad icon.
You can also keep an eye on downloads from within the Mac App Store, which is already open when you download a file from there. You’ll need to click through to a page for a new app. Under the blue button that says “Installing,” there is a progress bar that shows how many minutes are left until the download is done. On the Updates tab, you can see how far along your app updates are.
How do I view Downloads in progress?
The Downloads folder in your User profile folder is where most browsers save files. Pressing Ctrl + J on your keyboard is the fastest way to see your most recent downloads in Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Opera.
How do I see app download progress on Mac?
How to show how far along an app download is on Mac App Store? In the App Store’s Purchases section, you can see how far along a download is. The Launchpad icon in the dock also shows how far along a download is. If you find the app icon in Launchpad, you can also see how far along it is there.
How do I check upload progress on Mac?
In Icon View of the Mac Finder, you can check the status of uploads to iCloud Drive. Lastly, an item being uploaded to iCloud Drive can be tracked in the general icon view of the Mac Finder. This is right under the icon of any file being uploaded to iCloud Drive.
How do I see Time Machine progress on Mac?
Use the Time Machine menu in the menu bar to see how a backup is going or to stop a backup that is already happening. For example, if a backup is in progress, the menu will show how far along it is. When a backup is not happening, the menu shows the last backup’s date and time.