Change Your Android Wallpaper Automatically – The wallpaper is a least valued however important aspect of your Android device. It’s the first thing which you interact after handling the mobile. Some people are very choosy about the wallpapers whereas the others are nonchalant and don’t worry to change the wallpaper for months or years due to several reasons. Firstly, they haven’t any time for searching for the wallpapers. Secondly, they got much irritated after the selection when the wallpaper size is high or less than the normal screen and so they have to modify the settings. Thirdly, they protect their battery energy for important tasks, not for the little ones like wallpapers. Fourthly, they consider that it’s a time-consuming job to change the wallpaper.
Keeping in mind all these factors the developers had created such Android apps which can save your battery and automatically modify the wallpapers. These automatic wallpaper changer apps for Android have a lot of exciting features. Installing a dedicated app is probably the easiest way of changing your Android device’s wallpaper. Wallpaper Changer is The Best app for the job.
Steps To Change Your Android Wallpaper Automatically
Step 1. First of all, Download the Wallpaper Changer app from google play store.
Step 2. Open the app to configure it.
Step 3. Before doing something, allow app’s live wallpaper by tapping the orange bar on the top.
Step 4. Choose the method you need to be used for changing the wallpapers.
Step 5. You’ll be able to set the wallpapers to change after a specified period or after each screen unlock.
Step 6. After that, Swipe to the “Albums” tab to select the wallpapers.
Step 7. Tap the green Floating Action Button (FAB) for adding Folder of Wallpaper.
Step 8. Now, Add the Folder, and this app scanned all photos in that folder.
Step 9. The n, close this app and your wallpapers will start to change after a set period.
Step 10. That’s it! Now, you are done.
This free automatic wallpaper changer app will refresh your screen with new wallpaper after passing the quick time intervals you have set. Whenever you unlock your mobile, it will show you the new image or picture of your loved ones as wallpaper. The app will automatically resize the wallpaper as much as your screen display. Its widget system also provides the option to change the wallpaper in a single click.
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