Install Virtualbox On Ubuntu – Virtualbox is a quite simple & powerful virtualization tool that’s used to create & manage Virtual Machines. Most of my friends & colleagues ask me what the easiest way to learn Linux is. I always recommend them to get Virtualbox installed on their systems unless working Mac or Windows and download the ISO image of a Linux flavor & install it utilizing Virtualbox.
We don’t need to change and for that, no effect on the current operating system and a large RAM or CPU upgrade won’t be required as nicely because, with very light specifications, Virtualbox can manage multiple VMs.
Step To Install Virtualbox On Ubuntu
Step 1. First of all, To install the latest version of Ubuntu 16.04 and Debian 8, we should use the official Oracle repository.
Wherever you have already installed VirtualBox from Ubuntu or Debian repository, remove it with:
sudo apt remove virtualbox
Step 2. sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list and add one of many following lines according to your distribution to your system. You can find your system distribution codename utilizing “lsb_release -c” command from a terminal.
Step 3. Add this following line at the end of this file wherever you are using Ubuntu 16.04.
Deb xenial contrib
For Debian 8 (“Jessie”)
Deb Jessie contrib
Step 4. The n, press Ctrl+O to save the file. After that press Ctrl+X to close the file.
Now fetch the Oracle GPG public key and import it to your Ubuntu 16.04 or Debian 8 system by the following command so packages downloaded from Oracle repository could be confirmed.
wget – q -O- | sudo apt-key add –
Step 5. After completing the above steps, let’s install VirtualBox utilizing the following commands. When you’ve got already installed an older version of VirtualBox, Below command will update it automatically.
sudo apt-get updated
sudo apt-get install virtualbox-5.1
Step 6. We can use dashboard shortcuts to start VirtualBox or simply run following command from a terminal. You can also check the version number inside help > about VirtualBox.
Step 7. That’s it! Now, you’re done.
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