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This article will show you how to Send Email from Windows Command Line. Sending emails is something we do every day, especially at work, because it’s an easy way to talk to our coworkers and clients. We usually use email programs like Microsoft Outlook or Gmail to send emails, but you can also send emails from the Windows command line without any extra software.
The Windows Command Prompt doesn’t have a built-in way to send email, but PowerShell lets you use the underlying. Net Framework, it’s easy to Send Email From Windows Command Line. Not only is email a great way for friends and family to talk to each other and send messages with attachments like reports, pictures, documents, presentations, video clips, and music files, but it can also be used to let people know about things.
For example, a website tracking service like Pingdom has alerts that let you know when your server is down in different ways, like via email, SMS, Twitter, or in-app. Third-party backup software usually has at least an email notification tool that lets you set it to send you an email when the backup is done or fails. we mentioned below are the steps to Send Email From Windows Command Line.
How to Send Email From Windows Command Line
- Open Windows Command Prompt using Start > Command Prompt or via Run > CMD
- Telnet to the mail server by typing telnet <domain> 25
- Once connected, we must initiate the mail sending process queue. We start this with helo <domain>
- Now we must set the sending mail address. Type mail from:<email address>
- Now we set the to address. Type RCPT TO:<email address>
- Type data to begin the email content.
- First we set the subject by typing Subject:<Your Subject> Then press Enter twice.
- Now type the message content of your email. When done, press Enter – Period Key – Enter to close the message.
- Type Quit to exit telnet.
- Verify your email has been received.
What is Windows Command Line?
The command line, which is also known as the Windows command line, command screen, or text interface, is a way for a person to interact with a computer without using a mouse. As shown in the picture, the Windows folder in a Windows command line is “C:Windows>.” Depending on the shell, it could be “%” or “>” in Unix or Linux. Unlike a GUI (graphical user interface) operating system, which uses a mouse to move around, a command line only uses the keyboard to enter orders.
The command line tool for Windows operating systems is called the Command Prompt, which is also known as the Windows Command Processor or CMD. A command line interface is a way to send text orders to a computer directly. These take you back to the early days of computers, when you had to type orders into a terminal to make the machine do things. Early PC operating systems, such as MS-DOS, only worked with command-line interfaces.
Why do people use the command line?
Even though you have to learn a lot of commands to use a command-line interface, it can be a useful tool and shouldn’t be overlooked. You can do almost all of the same things with a command line as you can with a GUI. But many tasks can be done faster and are easy to automate or do from a distance. If you want to know more information about this visit official Microsoft support site.
For example, users of Microsoft Windows may find it very time-consuming to rename 100 or more files in a folder. But with a single word in the command line, you can rename 100 or more files in a directory in less than a minute. A batch file or other scripts could also be used to make the job run automatically.