SEO Spyglass and Website Auditor Review

by Jones David

Spying is all the rage in SEO. Search sellers love to spy on their competitors to try to decode their winning tactics. The logic (and hope) is that if they can determine why a particular site scores so well, they can apply the same strategy to their websites to make the competition the best. The inherent error logic that it is impossible to duplicate the link profile of a site, even with all their link data.

What matters is that there are some links that you will never be able to get, no matter how cunning you are or how hard you beg (which says the importance of building high-quality backlinks so that your competitor cannot quickly turn the tables and duplicate your link profile). Now, like most search marketers, I also do my share of espionage. And one of the SEO tools that I have used that makes it relatively simple and very useful for spying on competitors is SEO Spyglass.

SEO Spyglass: The Link Detective’s Super Tool

Most SEOs understand that Google uses a link-based ranking algorithm (s) to determine rankings. The more quality links you get, the higher your rank. That is why SEO Spyglass the free backlink checker tool wants to offer users The Best link information on the web to help them triumph in the battle for the SERPs.

The most critical SEO statistics that you can extract from a target website with an SEO Spyglass are:

  • Backlink pages: the URLs with the link that points to your rival’s website
  • Link Anchor text: view which keywords your competitor is targeting in their link building
  • Toolbar PageRank and SEO Link Value: Determine the value that each backlink offers, based on TBPR and SEO Spyglasses own metric “SEO Link Value.”
  • Alexa Rank: view which links give your competitor the most traffic

And that is just the tip of the iceberg. SEO Spyglass offers you a lot of additional analysis information, such as domain user and IP block data, outgoing and incoming link-to-link targets, trusted presence of the folder, and more.

How SEO Spyglass Works?

So SEO Spyglass preaches not to work harder, which is pretty good advice. Manually analyzing the site of a competitor looking for opportunities to take advantage of is a time-consuming, labor-intensive process. So SEO Spyglass helps you to work “smarter” by automating this process for you. All the grunt work of data collection and organization is gone, so you get your spy hat and can grab the low-hanging connection options.

For example, I used SEO Spyglass to perform competitive link analysis for a client last weekend. The software spewed out a lot of valuable SEO data and revealed several fantastic link options that I have never seen with the use of other free or paid tools on this specific customer account. It is incredibly time-consuming and inefficient to perform this careful manual analysis by hand. But SEO Spyglass did it for me in a few minutes and pulled it all together in one handy, easy to navigate, sortable dashboard.

Because I could look into my competitor’s link strategy, I was able to determine why they score so well for a few specific “money” terms. I also learned that this site has a free spammy link profile with numerous links to links to low-value blogs. Thanks to SEO Spyglass, however, I found a handful of precious link goals, and I was able to evaluate the difficulty of acquisition and set out my strategy in just 20 minutes of searching link data.

Once I’m done with the analysis dashboard, I can generate a smooth report with SEO Spyglass that does two things:

  • Teach you how to convert the data into action: this is an excellent function for the average entrepreneur or for anyone who gets their hands on SEO
  • Ties it all together: the report also extracts the essential collection points from the competitor link analysis work that you have just conducted and summarizes them in an easy-to-understand format. This allowed me to see even more options than I had hidden in the data dashboard.

The report I generated is formatted in a smooth, comprehensive nine-page document (that you can customize with a company or customer logo, colors, etc.) with an intro, followed by seven steps with detailed instructions and ending with a final page with words that it has in store for you and emphasizes the keys to good ranking.

This is great for internal photography within your company for monthly or quarterly reporting by competitors or to send to customers for the next steps. It is also very information-rich and explains The Best practice and explains the next steps acutely so that even a novice can understand how to take action.

SEO Spyglass Pricing

SEO Spyglass the SEO analysis tool excels in helping you investigate your competitor’s link profile and discover the chances of your SEO efforts. There are two price levels for the software: enterprise and professional. The SEO Spyglass Professional will cost you $99.75.

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There are many tools for website audit on the market. One for the Best I have come across is Website Auditor. It is a great tool that provides a complete content and technical analysis so that you can see where you are missing opportunities to improve the position of your site. It is part of a more comprehensive set of utilities for SEO PowerSuite. In this overview article, we will look at how Website Auditor works and how you can use it to increase your position with Google and other search engines in the long term.

What is Website Auditor and Who is it for?

This is auditing software that tells you how the different search engines view your website. It crawls through your site files to find issues that can prevent your search engine ranking. This tool is for everyone and not just for SEO agencies. If you have broken links, images that are too large, pages that are not optimized properly, or pages that load too slowly and may have crawl problems, then this tool is an absolute must.

The first step to scoring well in the SERPs (pages with search engine results) is to ensure that your site is technically right.

  • Broken internal and external links
  • Pages on your site that are too large
  • W3C validation errors
  • Pages with thin content
  • Any hierarchy issues
  • Duplicate meta-descriptions or title tags
  • Overused and underused keywords
  • And a whole lot more

Features Of Website Auditor

Now comes the part that ROCKS! After you have set up your site to be crawled, you will receive a range of information from a technical perspective. But don’t worry, it’s straightforward to understand. The part that you first want to review is the Site Audit section where you can find information about these areas:

  • Indexing & Crawlability – In this section, you will discover everything you need to ensure that search engines can crawl your site. You can find out if there are pages that need to be indexed but are marked as “not indexed.” You will also be notified of any 4xx or 5xx errors and to check if your 404 pages, robots.txt file, .xml sitemap, etc. are all present.
  • Coding or technical factors – This is a bit more technical but very important. Here you can find out if your pages are suitable for mobile devices, or if you have problems with different content, and so on. It is important to pay attention to such matters, as they might save you from the higher rankings you earn.
  • URLs – Here, you can see if your site has dynamic URL issues (usually long URLs with question marks and other characters that are not relevant).
  • Links – You will be notified of all broken internal and external links and too many links on each page. The number of external links of dofollow is also mentioned in this section.
  • Images – This is one of the most important problems on websites. Some are too large; others have no alternative text. Here you will discover whether your site contains broken images or images without alt text.
  • On-Page – This includes your basic page optimization actions concerning meta descriptions and title tags. You know if you have duplicate data or missing information.
  • Visualization tool – here, you can easily visualize the structure of your website. This allows you to determine whether you offer search engines and users The Best experience in terms of structure and hierarchy.
  • Website Page Audit – This is another incredible feature that lets you view a complete list of your site pages, along with a lot of information about each page. You can customize the reports and filter the information that you do not need.

Website Auditor Pricing

This is one of the tools that no toolkit for online marketers should miss. You can do a lot with the free version, but the paid package gives you a greater lead over the competition when it comes to a good ranking. For just $6.67 a month (billed per year), you get the latest and greatest tools, tips, and recommendations from experts to get your site to score higher.

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