The Enable or Disable Floating Immersive Search Bar in Windows that is meant to make it easier for people to use. The design was based on the spotlight, which is a part of Mac OS. You can look for your favorite apps, their data, files, and other documents by using the floating search bar. It’s a great way to look for information on your Windows 10 computer and explore it.
Even though Windows has its own search function. But it’s not very easy to use because you have to press the search bar and type things in by hand. In Windows 11, the new floating window search bar is much more advanced and strong. It can look for files and also look within files. So it’s a great way to search for students, businesspeople, and regular PC users. you can visit Microsoft support center for further help.
Enable-Disable Floating Immersive Search Bar in Windows
- Launch Registry Editor.
- Navigate to the following registry key:
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Search
- In right-side pane, right-click on empty area and select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value option.
- Set the new DWORD name as ImmersiveSearch.
- To enable the floating search bar, change the value data of ImmersiveSearch to 1, else change the value of ImmersiveSearch to 0 to disable the floating search bar.
How do I enable immersive search in Windows?
Instead of clicking on the Search bar or opening the Start menu, you can also use the Windows Key + S shortcut instead to bring Immersive Search up immediately. That makes the functionality even better in actual usage.
How do I turn on the floating search bar in Windows 10?
- Right-click the taskbar and enable Cortana – Show icon in the context menu.
- Open the Registry Editor app.
- Go to the following Registry key. …
- Here, create a new subkey Override as shown below.
- On the right, create a new 32-Bit DWORD value ImmersiveSearch.
How do I hide the taskbar hover in Windows 10?
Right-click the Windows taskbar with your mouse and choose Taskbar settings from the menu that comes up. Under Taskbar on the right side of the Taskbar Settings window, click the Taskbar behaviours section to make it bigger. Check the box next to the option that says “Automatically hide the taskbar.”
Why is the search bar popping up Windows 10?
It’s possible that the way you’ve set up your touchpad is making Windows Search open when you didn’t mean to. When you tap (or click) your touchpad with three or four fingers, Windows Search starts up.