A lot of people have sent me emails asking how to get Hypercard stacks to work with emulation. Here’s a pretty easy way to Run Hypercard Stack on Mac (running Mavericks, Mountain Lion, etc.):
Put the Hypercard stack you want to use somewhere in your user folder, such as the Documents folder or the Desktop. You can get the SheepShaver classic Mac emulator that comes with Mac OS 9 and Hypercard by downloading this zip file (95 MB).
sheepvm. This will start up Mac OS 9. There should be a disc called “Unix” on the desktop of Mac OS 9. This is a virtual disc that lets you actually get to files on your computer (eg. outside the emulator). When you open it, it’s the same as opening your /Users/ directory in OS X.
How to Run Hypercard Stack on Mac
Hypercard was never updated for Mac OS X or iOS (sigh, maybe someday), but if you miss geeking out in HyperTalk, you can run the entire Hypercard application and enjoy a bunch of old HyperCard stacks right now on your modern Mac thanks to the great in-browser emulator on archive.org.
We’ll give you links to four different ways to run HyperCard in a web browser. The first link is to HyperCard on its own in System 7.5.3. The other three links are to HyperCard with large collections of pre-made HyperCard stacks, some of which you’ll probably recognise if you were into this stuff decades ago.
Each link below runs Hypercard on top of an old Macintosh OS release in the web browser using emulation. You don’t need to download or install anything; just click the link to open a new window and then click to start the browser-based virtual machine.
- HyperCard Stacks Volume 1 for System 7.5.3
- BMUG HyperCard Stacks Volume 2 Stacks of Hypercards
Is there a program like HyperCard?
LiveCode works on macOS, Windows, and Linux, and it can make standalone binaries for all of these platforms as well as Android and iOS. You can get it from https://www.livecode.com or a GPL version.
Does HyperCard still exist?
The official run of HyperCard lasted just under twenty years. After the last version of HyperCard (version 2.4.1) came out in 1998, Apple stopped selling HyperCard products.
What metaphor is HyperCard developed by Bill Atkinson recipe box?
When it first came out, it was a piece of software that was in a category all by itself. It was called a hypermedia programme or a construction kit by Apple. The idea of a Meccano set was used as a metaphor. Bill Atkinson wrote it, and it came out with the System 6 Macintosh operating system.
When did HyperCard come out?
HyperCard is a popular programme for Macintosh and Apple computers that can be used to create graphics and write code. HyperCard came out in 1987 and was still available until 2004.
Are virtual cards free?
Some virtual card providers charge you a fee for each card you make or for using their service. Privacy.com’s main plan, on the other hand, is free to use for all domestic purchases.