The TP-Link Archer T2U Plus aka AC600 High Gain Wireless Dual Band USB Adapter is a very affordable and reliable USB WiFi adapter compatible with Kali Linux, packet injection, WiFi spoofing, soft AP mode, monitor mode . Support for such as. The Archer T2U Plus is compatible with Windows, Mac and other ARM-based devices such as Raspberry Pi, ODROID, Banana Pi, Android tablets . It is compatible with other ARM-based computers/devices such as Raspberry Pi, ODROID, Banana Pi, Android tablets .
It comes with an internal antenna to increase your range and signal reliability over long distances. So you can enjoy up to 300 meters of indoor coverage without interference from any dead spots or other devices such as cordless phones or baby monitors that may simultaneously use the same frequency spectrum as your router with Wireless Network Adapter (WNA).
[content-egg-block template=offers_logo hide=price]WNA also automatically detects the band being used by another device nearby and automatically selects the optimal channel setting according to its own signal strength so that it can provide maximum performance even when multiple WLAN devices are simultaneously operating on the same wireless network! WNA can be used by such devices!