Table of Contents
This article will show you how to Burn ISO Image from command prompt on Windows and Mac. As ISO images, you can download a lot of operating systems and apps, as well as the Windows Developer. When you see. ISO at the end of a file name, you know it’s one of these files. ISO files can be burned to a CD or DVD so that they can be used on other computers or shared with other people.
Using Disk Utility is the easiest way to burn an ISO on a windows and Mac, but you can also use a tool called ‘dd’ to burn ISOs and disk files directly from the command line. This works on Mac OS X and Linux, but we’re going to focus on the Mac and Windows. We don’t know why anyone would want to go this way, but it can be done if you know how. We know that the command line is the way most Windows users like to work. Some of us might not know why, but skilled computer users do it all the time.
How to Burn ISO Image from command prompt on Windows
So, here’s what you need to do from the command prompt in Windows 11/10 to burn an ISO file. If you want to know more information about this Visit Official Microsoft Support site.
- Open the command prompt.
- Type the following in the opened command window:
ISOBURN.EXE /Q E: c:\data\Window10.ISO
- Make sure that you replace the text E: in the command line with the actual drive letter of the optical drive in your operating system and also the actual path to the ISO file.
- That’s it.
How to Burn ISO Image from command prompt on Mac
- Insert a writabble USB drive..
- Open the Terminal. Click the “Spotlight” icon in the upper right corner on your Mac OS desktop and type “Terminal” in the search bar. Press “Enter“.
- Type in “diskutil list” command shown as below, then press “Enter” to list all the disks in your Mac computer.
- Take down the number of your USB drive. Here assume that the USB drive number is “2“.
- Type in “diskutil unmountDisk/dev/disk#” command shown as below, then press “Enter” to unmount it. Replace “#” with “2” which is your USB drive number.
- Type in “sudo dd if = /path/to/your.iso of =/dev/rdisk2 bs=4k” command.
- Replace “/path/to” with your file folder your ISO image file located in. And replace “your” with your ISO file name, for example “daossoft-windows-password-rescuer.iso“.
- Then press “Enter” to burn the ISO image file to the USB drive.
To do this, first get the UUByte Software and run it. Then, do the following: Step 1: Drag your ISO file into the app and choose USB as the output format. Step 2: Choose Create Bootable Media. This is the best choice. Step 3: Click Burn and wait while the app burns your ISO to a USB.
Open Boot Camp Assistant by going to Finder > Applications > Utilities in the menu bar. Click Continue, and then check the box next to Create an install disk for Windows 10 or later. Choose the Windows 10 ISO picture from the Mac’s storage, then click Continue. The working Windows 10 USB will be made by Boot Camp Assistant.
Rufus is used by a lot of Windows users, but people who use macOS are out of luck. You can’t use Rufus for Mac without first installing Windows and then installing the software. This is because the tool is only made for 32-bit or 64-bit versions of Windows XP, 7, 8, or 10.