How to send gif images in Facebook chat: Giphy inc. launched its application store on iOS and Android called Giphy For Messenger, which directly enhances the instant messaging application that has completely replaced from a bit’ time the native chat inside the ‘application of Facebook.
This is the first release of GIPHY for Messenger: The Best method to search and share fantastic GIPHY GIFs inside Facebook Messenger.
For those unfamiliar with Giphy is nothing more than a search engine, a bit ‘like Google and Yahoo, and many others, but its characteristic is that it’s entirely based on searching Animated GIFs’ contents directly inside the application.
The concept of opening what’s enjoyed collected more than $ 23,900 in funds and managed to change into one of the largest databases of GIFs available online. In case you would like to create unique gifs using your photos and clips you should check this gif maker video tool and then use Giphy to share your funny gifs.
With their application and use of the new API, developers can combine the database Giphy straight into their applications, and this is actually what they gave a demonstration with their FB Messenger; in fact, the application integrates seamlessly with the chat working perfectly and allowing instantaneously to open the app within the conversation to see and send the Gif to their friends who might respond directly.
We’ve built and led this application for iOS and Android, and as a result, it allows us to share and spread our brand, they’re also perfectly aligned with Facebook Messenger, and the team is building and carrying on. We can make sure in this way, thanks to Facebook, that millions of people get to know and appreciate Giphy and all the many features it has to offer.
Those who download the application can immediately interact with the Giphy database. To install it doesn’t take much, actually; Messenger is now compatible with third-party applications, which means you could set up the application directly from the Play Store or iTunes Store, or open Messenger and from there approves the appropriate button located in basal go visual applications compatible with the program, together with of course Giphy.
Currently, the application is completely licensed to Facebook, but in the future will come lots of applications that might be integrated with Giphy; however, they aren’t mentioned, then sign that programmers are working in advance taking advanced, including the opportunity of their see the application in the future even built-in with iMessage.
Link To Download:
So above is the latest method to send gif images in Facebook chat via messenger using Giphy.