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Using Siri on your iPhone can be quite handy, but it can also be irritating to those around you. Talking to your phone in public can disturb others, especially when speaking unnaturally or using improper punctuation. However, you can still use Siri without annoying people. Here are five tips to help you be more mindful of your surroundings and practice Siri etiquette:
Hold the phone to your ear
While there are many videos of people playing with Siri using the speaker, it’s not necessary in real life. Instead, hold your phone to your ear like a regular phone call to communicate with Siri.
Use the standard 10-foot rule
When in a quiet environment like a restaurant or waiting in line, avoid speaking to Siri if you’re less than 10 feet away from strangers. This applies to regular phone calls as well. If you’re in a noisy public space like Grand Central Station, it’s less of an issue.
Consider your audience
Be mindful of your company when playing with Siri. If your friends want to hear what your new phone can do, feel free to show off its capabilities. However, don’t use Siri to distract colleagues while you’re at work.
Tap instead of talk
If you think that talking to Siri could disturb someone, use the text input feature instead. Siri can understand commands in written form just as well, so typing your requests can be just as effective as speaking them.
Avoid showing off
While it may be tempting to flaunt your new gadget, it’s best to avoid being a showoff. Try not to overly rely on Siri when in public spaces.
These simple tips can make using Siri a more enjoyable experience for everyone around you.
1. Can Siri understand commands in written form?
Yes, Siri can understand and execute commands in written form just as well as spoken commands.
2. Is it necessary to use Siri with the speaker in public?
No, it is not necessary. In fact, it is best to hold your phone to your ear like a regular phone call to communicate with Siri without disturbing those around you.