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In this article we will show you how to share Kindle books. One of the best things about reading is being able to share what you like. When you buy a real book and love it, you give it to your friends and family so they can feel some of the same happiness, sadness, or wonder that you did when you read it. But it’s not always easy to share that happiness when you have an e-book instead of a real book.
It just doesn’t make sense to give someone your whole Kindle, but that’s not the only way to share an e-book. The Family Library is a feature of Kindle that lets you give books to other people. It’s a great way to share your book collection with friends and family.
Two adults and up to four children can share Amazon Prime perks and Kindle e-books by linking their accounts to an adult’s account. It is a great way to carry all of your books at once. The Kindle is a handy device that is cheaper and lighter than a tablet. It makes it easy to buy, share, and keep your books safe. We mentioned below the ways to share Kindle books.
How to create an Amazon Household and set up a Family Library
Set up an Amazon Household, which needs two adult accounts, to set up a Family Library. There can be up to four teen profiles and four child profiles in a household account.Teen accounts are for people ages 13 to 17, and child accounts are for people ages 12 and younger. The settings and payment information for both types of accounts are set by the adults in the home.
With Family Library, you can share your past Kindle purchases and any new ones you make with other people in your Amazon Household, no matter what device they use to read the books. Members of Amazon Household can also read the same book at the same time as you. here are the steps how to share Kindle books.
- Open the Amazon website on your browser of choice.
- Click “Account & Lists” under the greeting and your name.
- Click “Manage content and devices.”
- Click the “Preferences” tab.
- Scroll down to “Households and Family Libraries.“
- Read the section’s details and then click on “Learn more about Households” when you’re ready to begin the process.
- This will bring you the Amazon Household page. Click “Add Adult” to begin. You can also choose to add a teen or a child account.
- Amazon will give you the option to invite someone to join by entering their name and email. To add an account with someone immediately — which is likely to occur if they’ve shared their information with you or if you live in the same location — click “Sign up together on this device.“
- This will bring you to a sign-in page. Enter the second adult’s email or phone number and account password — or, if they don’t have an Amazon account yet, create one for them first. The first adult will be the account you are already logged in with.
- Click the yellow “Verify” button.
- Read through the information about sharing credit and debit card information. Click the yellow “Create Household” option to continue.
- The next page will determine what content you’d like to share. While it’s best to keep all the sharing settings turned on, you’ll want to make sure that “eBooks” is switched on. Switch the settings so they show orange with the label “Sharing.”
- Click “Next” to complete the process.
- Swipe to unlock your Kindle.
- Tap the three bars in the upper right hand corner of the screen to open the menu.
- Tap “Settings.”
- Tap “Registration and Household.”
- Tap “Household and Family Library.“
- Tap “Add a New Person” at the bottom of your Kindle screen. This will bring you to another page, and if you have already added the maximum number of adults, the “Add Adult” option will be shaded gray. If not, enter any account information you may need to complete the process on your device.
You can also give Kindle books to your friends on Amazon, as long as they have the Kindle app on their devices. Once the recipient takes the loaned book, they will have up to 14 days to read it. During that time, you will not be able to read the loaned book. If the person you gave the book to doesn’t pick it up within seven days, the book will go back to your library.
Also, keep in mind that you can’t share all Kindle books. You can see if a book can be lent by looking at the product information when you buy it. If “Loan this title” is not a choice, the book cannot be borrowed. Here’s how you can sharing Kindle books without a Family Library:
- Open the Amazon website on your browser of choice.
- Click “Account & Lists” under the greeting and your name.
- Click “Manage content and devices.”
- Find the book you’d like to loan and click on the button with three dots that sits left to the title.
- Select “Loan this title.”
- Enter the recipient’s email address and select “Send.”
- Click “Send now” and the recipient will receive a book loan notification.
The Amazon Kindle has changed the way we read books in a big way. The Kindle is famous among people who like to read books because it lets them carry thousands of books in one device. But what if you want to show your friends and family your best books? Amazon has a tool that lets you share up to ten of your e-books with other people. This post will show you how to easily share Kindle books with your friends and family.