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Cydia Hacking Apps for iPhone → There are thousands of hacks and tweaks available in the Cydia app store. Today many mobile users use iPhones, and many of them are now jailbreaking their iPhones. They are using the Cydia app to customize the interface and unlock the limitation of the iPhone. Today this post will tell you a fascinating trick you can implement after installing Cydia apps on your iPhone. This article will teach you about iPhone hacks, the Best iPhone Cydia Hacking Apps, and iPhone hacking software. So, check out our list of Best iPhone Cydia Hacking Apps and iPhone hacking software below and let us know your thoughts about our list in the comment section below.
Listed iPhone Cydia Hacking Apps
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WepGen is The Best iPhone tool to hack into a wifi network. With the help of this, you can hack into wifi network settings and perform wifi hacking attacks with your iPhone. This app isn’t so popular, but the work is similar to professional apps. Must use this app as it’ll undoubtedly make your iPhone a hacking device.
WLAN Audit
This app can only find the key to WLAN and WiFi routers located in Spain, and it can also work in different countries. This app is free; you can download, install, and crack WiFi passwords.
Perhaps iSpeedTouched is another best Cydia app for finding WEP & WPA WiFi passwords. This app has been downloaded more than one million times. It has also broken through millions of wifi routers across the world. With SpeedTouch, you can gain the wifi password you need on any network within a few ticks.
Aircrack-ng for iPhone
Aircrack-ng for iPhone app allows you to crack the WiFi password and demolish network security. This app is one of the Best iPhone hacking apps. So you must try out this app on your iOS device and have fun with your iPhone hacks.
WPA Tester
WPA Tester is another five-minute wifi password hacking app available in the Cydia App Store. Paolo Arduino develops this app. Jailbreak isn’t required to use this app. To download this application from the App Store, you will need to pay £1.49. However, it’s free to download the cracked version from Cydia App Store when you have Cydia on your iOS device.