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Mobile App Frameworks – Nowadays, working on hybrid mobile application development makes life easier for developers as they can write one and build the mobile apps that run on the primary platforms with no extra effort. In this digital period, the demand for mobile applications is increasing day by day pace. Now, every single people are using smartphones and use apps for their daily tasks. With growing demand and popularity of applications, mobile app development companies are trying to improve the user experience by opting for the advanced technology in mobile app development. A framework is the base of your long-term application. Its usage very simplifies the entire development process. Today we’re here with the list of The Best Mobile App Frameworks. So check out our list of The Best Mobile App Frameworks below and let us know what do you think about our list in the comment section below.
Mobile App Frameworks – List
React Local
The primary purpose of this framework is to construct local apps, as a substitute for developing hybrid apps which run in a web-view. However, the advance continues to be entirely executed via React and JavaScript. This framework isn’t custom designed against rookies in site building. However, its massive neighborhood will help you in each part for the Best way. The latest model of this framework also have fortified for Android, so now you’ll also have actual cross-platform apps.
IONIC is the most promising HTML 5 mobile application frameworks. Built using SASS, it supplies many UI parts to help develop rich and interactive applications. This framework uses the JavaScript MVVM framework, AngularJS to power apps. The Best part about Ionic is that it provides the entire functionality that can be found in the native mobile development SDKs, which means that when the users build their apps on Ionic, they can access the full native functions of the device, including contacts, camera, etc.
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Open source PhoneGap is an excellent option for building cross-platform mobile applications leveraging on the existing web technologies. It is best suited for the mobile apps that don’t make substantial use of the phone’s local features. It packages your apps within a native application container which allow JavaScript to access device-level APIs the same way standard apps do.
Ext JS
Ext JS is based on Javascript and HTML5. Ext JS is versatile and helps create a broad range of mobile applications, from easy to complex ones. It provides users with high-performance UI widgets. This framework includes widgets like forms, menus, lists, toolbars, etc. It offers high performance, smooth animation of different elements, which respond immediately to users’ actions by a large pixel precision. This framework works well with other APIs as well.
Onsen UI
With the help of this open source framework, developers can build apps by combining native-looking components. This easy-to-use framework can work without AngularJS. It also has excellent documentation which includes a lot of layouts and examples for common app structures. One significant disadvantage of this framework is that it provides an only iOS theme, but its next version promises to provide the Material Design support.
jQuery Mobile
The well-known framework can be used to create cross-mobile-platform application projects. This framework includes a broad range of plugins, which reduce the time you need to build an app. By using a jQuery mobile framework, you can create one application that will work nicely on other devices or operating systems and platforms, like Android, Windows Phone, iOS, Windows Phone 7, Blackberry, MeeGo, Opera Mobile/Mini, Firefox Mobile, and Kindle.
Framework 7
One for the Best features of this framework is that it does not have any external dependencies like React or Angular. Still, it manages to make apps look and feel native, with eye-catchy animations and correctly styled parts. Any developer who knows HTML, JavaScript and CSS can easily create an application without making convoluted code. This framework doesn’t include any tool for app packaging or emulation; therefore, you have to mix it with Cordova or PhoneGap.
Meteor is an excellent open-source JavaScript framework that is written using Node.JS. It analyzes the process of developing apps by allowing the producing cross-platform code and rapid prototyping. Meteor is made up of a bunch of libraries and packages that are bound together, making it easier, faster, flexible and it requires it fewer codes.
Xamarin is a Microsoft-owned, a California-based software company founded in May 2011 which has cross-platform implementations of the CLI (Common Language Infrastructure) and Common Language Specs. With a C# shared a codebase, developers can use Xamarin tools to write local Android, Windows and iOS apps with local user interfaces and share code across more than one platforms, including Windows and MacOS.
Appcelerator frameworks help in building native apps by deploying just a single JavaScript code base. It provides your web content in a native application, ensuring your code isn’t wrapped around a web container, unlike few other such solutions.