Our lives have become so ingrained with smartphones that it is difficult to imagine life without them. When used excessively, they can harm us in addition to making our lives easier. Numerous studies have shown that using a smartphone before bed increases the likelihood of having poorer-quality sleep.
Your budget phone has a feature called bedtime mode that you can use if you’re having trouble falling asleep on time or avoiding distractions like social media apps. One of the few Samsung phone features, bedtime mode, actually encourages you to use your phone less. Configuring your budget Android phone’s Bedtime mode can help remind you when it’s time to wind down and make it easier to put your phone away, as opposed to doom scrolling into the wee hours of the morning. We mentioned below are the steps to Customize Bedtime Mode on Android 13.
Steps to Customize Bedtime Mode on Android 13
Final Words
Since the beginning of the Pixel series, bedtime mode has been a mainstay, and Android 13 has only improved it. Bedtime mode has a few new features that are interesting to explore, and the Pixel is the first device series to receive Android 13. Android’s bedtime mode is very straightforward. In essence, it’s a Digital Wellbeing tool you can use to aid in beginning your evening wind-down. We hope our article on “How to Customize Bedtime Mode on Android 13” will surely help you to do so.