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If you How to Deactivate Instagram Account. The option to delete an Instagram account was buried deep in the app. But it looks like Instagram is trying to fix the problems that have been brought up about it. As part of this, they have made it easier to delete an account.
If you delete your Instagram account, all of your photos, videos, and comments will be gone. Your account page will also go away, making it impossible to find. If you turn off your Instagram account, it and all your photos will be gone, but you can get them back at any time.
The Instagram app for iPhone doesn’t always let you delete your account. If you just have a regular Instagram account, you won’t see any options for deleting or turning off your account. You need a Business or Professional account to see these options.
deactivate Instagram account temporarily

- Log into your Instagram account on a web browser, go to your profile page, and then click the Edit profile button at the top.
- At the bottom of the page that opens, click the Temporarily disable my account link.
- Select the reason that you’re disabling your account and re-enter your password.
- Click the Temporarily Disable Account button.
How to Permanently delete Instagram account
If you know for sure that you will never use Instagram again, you can delete your account for good. It’s important to remember that if you delete your account, your profile, photos, videos, comments, likes, and followers will all be gone. Once the process is done, there is no way to get them back. Also, you won’t be able to use that username again if someone else takes it before you decide to sign up again with it.
- Visit the Instagram Delete Your Account page. If not already logged in, log in to your Instagram account.
- Next to Why do you want to delete [your username]?, select an option from the drop-down box.
- Enter your Instagram password to confirm.
- Click Delete [Your Username].
- As with disabling an account, you can also delete your account via the Instagram mobile app, but only if you’re an iOS user.
How to Delete an Instagram Account
On iOS
- Go to your account in the Instagram app. Then, tap the menu icon (3 lines) in the top right corner of the screen.
- Navigate to Settings, then Account.
- Tap Delete account
Instagram will suggest deactivating instead of deleting. Deactivation hides your account and is reversible anytime. If you still want to permanently delete the Instagram account, go ahead and tap Delete account.
If you don’t have access to the app on your current phone or you’re an Android user, you can also delete your Instagram account from any web browser.
- Go to and sign into your account
- Visit the Delete Account page.
- Confirm deletion.
On Android
- From a browser, go to Instagram’s dedicated page for deleting accounts.
- If you are not logged in, you will have to do so.
- Select your reason for deleting the account.
- Re-enter your password.
- Select the button stating: Delete [username].
If the problems still resides and you are not able to fix the problem by following the above steps the new one can go to their official website and ask for more.
Best Instagram Alternatives
You might have doubts about BeReal and how popular it has become recently. But as long as it stays at the top of Apple’s App Store charts in the U.S., it might be too soon to write off BeReal for good. BeReal was made to be the “anti-Instagram,” so users can’t post any kind of video. Instead, they can only post still photos. The app only lets users post one photo per day at a random time.
BeReal doesn’t have any editing tools or filters because it wants people to share posts that are true. Also, users can’t choose when they want to share a photo. Instead, they get a message telling them to post a picture of where they are and giving them two minutes to do so.
After Instagram switched to video, photographers are also going back to Tumblr, which has been a favorite for a long time. Even though Tumblr was most popular in the middle of the 2000s, it has more than 171 billion posts from more than 500 million users. Also, the number of younger users has grown again in the last year, and now almost half of Tumblr’s active users are under the age of 25.
Users of Tumblr can make a blog where they can post pictures and write about them. They can also copy and paste posts from other Tumblr feeds. Tumblr is a great place for photographers to connect with each other because it is easy to set up a shared account and post together.
How long can I temporarily deactivate my Instagram account
Your Instagram account can be turned off for as long as you like. Even if you turn off Instagram, it will not delete your account. To get back into your account, all you have to do is log in again with the right information.
What happens when you deactivate Instagram account
Your account, profile, photos, videos, comments, likes, and followers will all be deleted for good. You can’t use the same username to sign up again or add it to another account. Accounts that have been deleted cannot be reopened.
What do my followers see when I deactivate Instagram
When you turn off your Instagram account, no one can see it at all. Your followers won’t be able to see your photos or your profile, and your photos won’t show up in hashtag or geotag searches.
Is deactivating Instagram a good ide
There are many good reasons to delete Instagram, like saving time, improving your mental health, and getting closer to the people in your life and other people.