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This guide is about Fix ‘OnePlus Battery Optimization Reset’ Issue. So read this free guide, Fix ‘OnePlus Battery Optimization Reset’ Issue step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
Fix ‘OnePlus Battery Optimization Reset’ Issue – Guide
The OnePlus 6 phone comes with a lot of features, and if you’ve already bought one, you’ll love it. However, due to a number of shortcomings, especially problems you may encounter with the phone battery, it can be difficult to use. The solutions offered to solve battery difficulties are simple to implement. Many users expressed their dissatisfaction with the device’s average battery life. There are some options or steps you can take to remedy the situation.
You can try running the latest OnePlus updates to see if you can get battery optimization. Here it is how to put your OnePlus 6’s battery life back on track.
How to Fix OnePlus battery optimization issues
The main reason your Battery Optimization setting is reset every now and then is due to the fact that apps can update in the background and if the app has not been used for days then the phone restarts. Here are some of the best ways to combat this issue and make sure you don’t see the bug again while we wait for OnePlus to fix the issue for us.
lock apps on Phone Memory
The best way to bypass this bug is to lock apps running in the background in memory. All you have to do is open the recent apps screen and tap the menu icon where you will find the options listed in the screenshot above. Tapping the Lock option will lock the app in memory and the Battery Optimization settings will not change for the locked app.
Pause automatic application updates
A temporary workaround is also to pause the automatic update of apps and what this will do is not reset an app’s internal settings after it has been updated in the Play Store. You can choose to update applications only when major and critical updates, such as security updates, are available.
To do this, you need to open the Play Store on your phone and then you need to go to Play Store settings. You will see an option to update apps automatically. Tap the option and choose Don’t update apps automatically. Once this is done, the apps will not update in the background and you can manually update the apps whenever you want. This eliminates the chances of the Battery Optimization setting not working correctly.
Disable Deep Optimization
One of the best ways to resolve this issue is to completely disable Battery Optimization. This will have a negative effect and all apps will be able to run in the background and this will lead to worse battery life.
On the OnePlus smartphone, go to Settings > Battery and battery optimization. Here you can access the 3-dot menu icon and tap on it. Once tapped you will see an option to disable Depth Optimization. Make sure it’s off and you’ll notice that the battery optimization settings will be disabled. These were the best ways to ensure the battery optimization bug is resolved at the user level until we hope that OnePlus updates its firmware for this bug.
Final note
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