Approximately 85% of online users access their email via smartphone, with the iPhone line being the most popular mobile alternative. Fortunately, Apple makes it simple for anyone to set up a mail account on their iPhone. Users can send email messages and view their mailbox directly from their phones after creating an account.
Automatically or manually. Users of popular email clients, such as Gmail and Microsoft Outlook, can immediately add a mail account. Users that use uncommon email providers, on the other hand, will have to add it manually. We’ll show you how to set up an email account on your iPhone step by step below. You will be able to set up your email account on your Apple device, regardless of email provider, by the end of this tutorial.
Steps to set up email on iPhone
Final Words
We hope like our article on How to Add and Set Up Email on iPhone Mail App. Adding email accounts to your iPhone is usually a simple process. After that, you’ll be able to read and answer to all of your email messages from a single integrated inbox. The Mail app for the iPad and iPhone allows users to add multiple email accounts from the same or separate email providers. Continue reading to learn how to add email accounts from Gmail and Outlook, as well as other services, to your iPhone.