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This tip is about the how to Backup iPhone, iPad, Mac Free with Advanced Options. So read this free guide, How to Backup iPhone, iPad, Mac Free with Advanced Options step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Backup iPhone, iPad, Mac Free with Advanced Options – Guide
Even with high quality Apple products, regular backups are important. No device works perfectly all the time, and in addition to device failure, there are many scenarios where backup is critical, such as: B. Updates, crashes, errors, loss or theft. Let’s take a look at different ways to backup iPhone, iPad and Mac with built-in and third-party options, NAS and more.
It is important to have at least one backup copy of important information, but ideally two or more copies. And to be fully protected, you want to have at least one backup of your data outside of the office (using a cloud service, in a bank vault, at a friend’s house, etc.). The easiest way to access your iOS/iPadOS device is via iCloud. If something happens to your device or you update it, you can easily restore everything with an iCloud backup.
How to back up an iPhone or iPad using iCloud
Now that you know if you have enough space for backups, tap Backups in the storage list; You may need to scroll down to find it, especially if you don’t have iCloud backups turned on. You will see all supported devices up to your iCloud account. If you don’t see backups in this list, none of your devices are backed up up for iCloud. Return to the previous screen; Here you can see the toggles for apps that use iCloud. Scroll down to iCloud Backup and turn it on.
You will see that you can tap Back Up Now on this screen. Tap it to make your first backup. An iCloud backup does not come back up data that is already in your iCloud account. So your photos and videos will not be backed up up again. However, the backup might be too large for the available storage space, or reduce the storage space so much that you need to free up more space.
How to backup your iPhone or iPad using Finder
Until macOS Catalina, iOS device backups on Mac were managed by iTunes (they are still on Windows). But since Apple has split iTunes into multiple apps, it’s the Finder that manages those backups.
Connect your iOS device to your Mac via USB and look for it in the Finder sidebar. Click on it and you will see an overview of your device, including basic specs, model information, backup options and sync options. At the bottom of this window you can see a bar graph that shows how much space is taken up up on your device and what kind of data you are receiving up that space. Hover over the sections of this bar to see more details
Final note
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