Consider blocking a person’s number as a call-declining machine. When you reject a call, the caller is compelled to hang up or leave a message on your voicemail. Similar to when they are blocked, users are unable to make your phone ring. Privacy plays a significant role in the procedure, much like how the majority of social media networks manage prohibited people.
Because of this, the individual or group that has been blocked won’t be informed in any way that they have been expelled. The worst-case scenario is that they suspect something is off when they are put on voicemail. We have mentioned steps below to block a phone number on Android
Steps to block a phone number on Android
Final Words
So here we conclude our article on how to block a phone number on Android. You can block a number if you’re getting spam calls from it or if someone won’t leave you alone. Their phone calls and text messages won’t show up on your phone after that. If your phone and carrier enable it, you can use the Smart Call function to block and report calls as well. Additionally, you can stop voicemails from being left by calling your carrier.