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This tip is about the how to Change App Icon of Instagram on Android and iOS. So read this free guide, How to Change App Icon of Instagram on Android and iOS step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Change App Icon of Instagram on Android and iOS – Guide
Instagram was first developed in the US by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger in October 2010 which was iOS compatible. Instagram was known to people as a social networking app for sharing photos and videos. As time went by, the Android version of Instagram was released in April 2012. After that, they witnessed that the number of downloads was more than 1 MN times in less than a day. The Instagram platform that is on the rise at the moment and the most used social media apps is owned by Facebook. Instagram offers us several features such as photo sharing, photo posting, likes, comments and messages (DM), Instagram story filters. Currently they have given an update on how to change your Instagram icon.
Can we change the Instagram app icon? Yea! There is an option to change the Instagram icon on your phone. It’s really exciting to know that Instagram has arrived up with a cool update to change the Instagram app icon. You can now change the Instagram icon on iPhone and Android to look like one of the first icons, dating back to 2010. The component was made available to customers to mark the long-term celebration of sharing images through web-based media. You can browse through classic and unique Instagram icons, dating back to the days when it was basically a Polaroid. camera. There’s also a pre-dispatch variant and a birthday commemorative form for your newest icon.
How to Change App Icons on Android and iOS
The instructions are the same for Android and iOS, but the icons look a little different. Here it is how to change Instagram app icon.
Final note
I hope you like the guide How to Change App Icon of Instagram on Android and iOS. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.