The most recent video game release set in the Warhammer 40k universe has landed awkwardly. Players who have acquired Warhammer 40k: Darktide have already encountered a wide range of problems. Since the pre-order beta release, the game has been plagued by loading faults and graphics problems.
Unhappy with how their character developed, many fans who have begun their campaign to reclaim Tertium may not be. Maybe you choose the wrong hair colour, or maybe those brows don’t fit the curve of your chin. People have been puzzling about how to change a character’s appearance in Warhammer 40k: Darktide as a result of all these inquiries. Unfortunately, it might take some time before Space Marines and Ogryns can locate a barbershop that has received approval from the Emperor.
How to Change Appearance in Warhammer 40K: Darktide
After creating your character, there was no option to change how you appeared during the Darktide launch beta. However, this is no longer the case thanks to the Barber-Chirurgeon. He is located in the room next to the Requisitorium if you turn left around the corner from where you spawn on the Morningstar, run down the corridor, and then turn left again.
Anything can be changed by him, including faces, scars, and tattoos. Additionally, the Barber-Chirurgeon is not a level-based unlock, so you can use him right away after the game launches. There is presently no information available regarding the upcoming Darktide’s cosmetics store, other than the fact that it is anticipated to open in the upcoming weeks if you’re interested in less obvious fashion. By boosting your trustworthiness and executing particular penances, you can obtain some cosmetics in the interim.
Final Words
So here we conclude our article on how to change appearance in Warhammer 40K. Similar to Vermintide 2 and other earlier Fatshark games, Warhammer 40k: Darktide offers a tonne of character customization options. This includes everything from your home planet, voice, and appearance to the skins on your armour and weapons. It can be a lot to take in given the freedom the game affords you. If your reject needs a facelift and you’re unsure of how or if you can do it, you might be interested in learning how to make some cool cosmetics.