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This tip is about the how To Clear The Cache In Kodi. So read this free guide, How To Clear The Cache In Kodi step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How To Clear The Cache In Kodi – Guide
This tutorial will teach you how to clear Kodi cache and improve performance drastically. Kodi is a popular media player that has been around for a long time. It became quite popular as a result of all its fantastic features and functions. You can play any kind of media material using Kodi. Whether your media data is stored locally or streamed online through add-ons, movies, television shows, music and photographs are not only watched but also organized into libraries with posters, descriptions and other information. Kodi keeps this amount of data locally in multiple files to ensure continuous streaming. This is often referred to as the “cache”.
How to Clear the Kodi cache using Indigo Addon
the indigo addon it is available in the kodi bae repository and also in some other repositories. using indigo addon you can not only clear cache, but also remove thumbnails, files, crash logs, unwanted packages, textures, etc. Follow below steps to clear kodi cache using Indigo addon.
How to Clear Kodi Cache Using Exodus Kodi Addon
Kodi exodus Addon is a popular addon from the TV add-ons repository. It can be used for movies, anime, TV shows, documentaries, sports, etc. Also, you can perform general-purpose functions like clearing cache, removing junk files, etc. We will see how to do it from the step-by-step instructions below.
Final note
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