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This tip is about the how to Configure Default Volume Levels for Bluetooth Devices. So read this free guide, How to Configure Default Volume Levels for Bluetooth Devices step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Configure Default Volume Levels for Bluetooth Devices – Guide
Bluetooth technology is improving, resulting in less and less unnecessary use of the mobile device battery life. This has spread joy among manufacturers, and we now have a large number of accessories that allow us to enjoy a variety of functions, such as connecting our phone to our car, using a loudspeaker, using a home gadget, or even using this keyboard.
The more Bluetooth devices we connect, the more confusing things can get when the volume levels of each one change, so it’s fascinating that we have a mechanism to keep track of all of them so we don’t go crazy. Other than that, the phone resets the safe volume setting whenever headphones are plugged in. As a result, we will adjust the volume every two or three minutes. As a result, we will show you how to automatically set different volume settings whenever you connect a Bluetooth accessory.
Install Bluetooth volume control
To get started, install Bluetooth Volume Control, which is the app that lets you set default volume levels for each of your Bluetooth accessories. Install Bluetooth Volume Control for free from Google Play Store
Set volume levels for your Bluetooth accessories
Then just open the app and make sure that Bluetooth is enabled on your phone. From here you will see a list of all Bluetooth accessories paired with your Android device and each entry will have two sliders. The top slider is for setting the media volume for this device and the bottom slider is for adjusting the call audio volume. So go through this list and set each device to your preferred volume levels.
Enjoy automatic Bluetooth volume control
From now on, a second or two after connecting one of your Bluetooth accessories to your phone, the volume slider will appear on the screen and will automatically adjust to your preferred level for that specific accessory. You don’t need to do anything, so wait a few seconds after connecting to a Bluetooth device, then the volume level will be set exactly as you like.
Final note
I hope you like the guide How to Configure Default Volume Levels for Bluetooth Devices. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.