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This tip is about the how to Customize Xbox Series X or S. So read this free guide, How to Customize Xbox Series X or S step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Customize Xbox Series X or S – Guide
Next-gen Xbox games are a little more complicated than we’re used to. For starters, Microsoft released not one, but two new consoles this week: the Xbox Series X and the playable Xbox Series S. as well as Windows PCs. And that’s before we get into Microsoft’s game streaming service xCloud, which could mean you don’t need any Xbox hardware to play many of the latest games. There are a number of customization options available to help you create your perfect custom Xbox controller – almost every element can be customized to suit your tastes, and you can even have the controller laser engraved with a message of your choice.
The Xbox Series X|S has an excellent setup process that walks you through most of the key settings you need to change before diving into the next generation. However, the setup process is not all-encompassing. Even after setting the power mode, recording location and privacy settings, there are still a few things you should adjust. Here are some ways to customize your Xbox Series X or S.
How to Customize your Xbox Series X or S
Customize your Xbox Series X/S wallpaper
To access many of the options discussed here, you will need to go to Xbox button on your controller to start the Guide. Use RB to scroll to the Profile & System menu, which uses your profile icon.
Choose Settings from this menu. Now choose General > Personalization to access the relevant options. One of the best ways to customize any device is by changing the wallpaper, and you can easily do that on your Xbox. Choose My Background from the menu above to choose a wallpaper option:
Choose a color and theme for your Xbox
Then in the Personalization menu, you have to enter My Color and Theme menu to select your favorite color and choose between light and dark modes. The color you choose for My Color will be displayed up around your Xbox, as the accent color for menu options.
And like most other devices, you can choose either a dark or a light system theme. If desired, choose Scheduled to automatically adjust the theme at sunrise and sunset, or at times of your choosing.
Rearrange the Xbox Guide
O Guide menu, which appears when you press the Xbox button button on your controller, is an important navigation tool. You might want to rearrange your icons so you don’t need as many button press to access the menus you use most.
Select Customize the guide in the Customization menu to make adjustments. Here, just highlight an item and press A to select it, then move it to the new location and press A again to place it. Repeat as needed.
Customize your Xbox profile
You can also customize your public Xbox profile for your friends and other gamers to see. Select Profile > Customize My Profile from the Personalization menu to access the relevant options.
This allows you to change the following:
set your Home Xbox
This isn’t a proper customization option like the rest of the list, but we’ve included it since My home Xbox appears in the Personalization menu. configuring your home Xbox allows everyone who uses the console to play the games you’ve installed, without having to log into your account to use them.
If you have Xbox Live Gold or Xbox Game Pass, everyone else on the console can also enjoy these benefits without having them on their own account. configuring your home Xbox is typically used for game sharing on Xbox Series X/S, which we explain in more detail.
Customize the Xbox Dashboard Layout
There’s one more way to customize an important aspect of your Xbox Series X/S, but it’s not in the Personalization menu. You might miss that you can adjust the layout of the home screen. To do this you will need to press the View button button (the one with two boxes in the lower left corner of the Xbox button on your controller) while on your Xbox dashboard. You’ll see an overview of what’s on your Xbox Dashboard, which likely includes rows for recently played games, the Store, Game Pass, and the like. Press A with any of these fields highlighted, move it to a new location, and press A to where you want to relocate it.
Meanwhile, press X with any line highlighted to remove it from your Panel. To bring in more blocks, select Add more to Home at the top of the list. Use the categories at the top to find what you want to add. In People, for example, you can insert blocks for your favorite friends to easily see what they’re up to. up for. Select Games to add panels for your favorite titles. Each dashboard you add will show relevant information on the side, such as recent updates and a link to the Store page. The other boxes on the right side of the screen are shortcuts to what we covered above. The exception is Ease of Access, which provides a shortcut to the High Contrast Accessibility option. Turn this on if you have trouble seeing elements on the screen, but note that this will disable your custom color and background.
Final note
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