Have you ever experienced this? When you put your phone in your pocket or when the volume on your phone is inadvertently increased or decreased by your shirt sleeve? If you’ve ever unintentionally increased your phone’s volume, you know how frustrating it can be.
It is simple to increase the volume without meaning to while the device is in your pocket or simply resting on a table. This might be especially annoying if you are in a quiet setting when your phone suddenly starts playing loud music. Blocking the volume keys will stop unintentional volume changes and spare you a lot of frustration. We have mentioned steps below to Disable Volume Buttons on Android
Steps to Disable Volume Buttons on Android
Final Words
We hope like our article on how to Disable Volume Buttons on Android. You’re anxiously awaiting an important call, but it doesn’t occur to you until much later that your ringer volume was unintentionally set too low. On Android devices, adjusting the volume is simple sometimes too simple.