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This tip is about the how To do Beta Test Android Apps And Get Them Started. So read this free guide, How To do Beta Test Android Apps And Get Them Started step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How To do Beta Test Android Apps And Get Them Started – Guide
Numerous companies invest resources in apps, however, periodically they reach the crowd immediately without going through a full beta test. This is a serious mixup that can happily be avoided with a legitimate arrangement.
Beta testing is a significant part of the application launch process. After engineers test your app (which is a thorough testing process called alpha testing), they send it to genuine users to test it. Now they have a chance to resolve major bugs before making the app accessible to a wider audience.
How will beta analyzers respond? They use the app reliably for a specific period of time. They report any bugs or issues and give their feedback on the app. It helps app distributors choose whether or not their app is prepared for their genuine audience. If not, they will have the opportunity to keep improving before it hits the app stores.
Benefits of Google Play Beta Testing
The benefits of beta testing are obvious, the ability to test new app updates for a very small percentage of your user base. If people like it, you can implement change for everyone. If not then you can find out how to use this feedback to make your app better. For new apps, you can get a good idea of what people are going to like before you launch them. Most importantly, you can identify bugs that might be an obstacle for new users.
But making the leap between the beta test concept and the actual workflow can be a little tricky. How do you keep up with the best beta test releases? Where do you collect and respond to comments? Fortunately, Google makes the process easier…
How Android Beta Testing Works
Google offers a lot of flexibility in the beta testing process. There are three different ways to configure your test group.
open beta
Anyone who has your link can be a beta tester. The biggest advantage of open beta testing is that you can create a large community of testers. The downside is that these testers cannot leave a review for your app. You can also limit the size of your group to keep things more manageable.
Beta closed with email
A more restricted option is to make your beta group available only to people invited by email. You can add emails manually or upload a CSV file.
Closed Beta with Google+ Communities
Alpha Test
The Testing Process
Testing your app is simple. First, upload your beta APK to the developer’s console. Then notify your beta testers to try it out. If you pass the testing phase, click Promote to Production button and this version will be released to all active users in a few hours. For alpha testing, you must promote the beta version by clicking Move to beta button.
When uploading your APKs, keep in mind that the latest version of the app will disable previous trial versions and testing stages. Disabled trial versions will not be available for testing. For example:
Releases in stages
Google also allows you to make gradual releases. This means you can release an approved beta version of your app to up to 5% of your total user base first. If everything’s right, you can step on up launch to a larger percentage of your users or, if you’re confident, go straight to 100%. For more information on gradual releases, you can read Google’s documentation.
Now, let’s take a look at the tools Google offers, if your app hasn’t been published yet…
New beta app testing
Final note
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