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This tip is about the how to Enable/Disable Picture-in-Picture Mode on iPad and iPhone. So read this free guide, How to Enable/Disable Picture-in-Picture Mode on iPad and iPhone step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Enable/Disable Picture-in-Picture Mode on iPad and iPhone – Guide
With the arrival of iOS 14 on September 16, Apple has now added a useful picture-in-picture mode for apps that play video content. Today, instead of choosing to browse the Internet and watch a video, you can effortlessly do both. Picture-in-picture mode also works with most applications.
Although individual developers must install the feature manually, the Apple TV app already has this feature so you can experiment with your favorite Apple TV+ content.
How to turn Picture in Picture on or off on iPhone
If you want to disable Picture in Picture feature on your iPhone then you can follow these steps. The same steps can also be used to activate Picture in Picture mode.
This is How to easily switch the Picture in Picture mode on your iPhone.
How to resize the image in the image window on iPhone
One of my favorites features iPhone’s Picture in Picture mode is that it allows users to resize the video window. This is great because you are not tied to a size and can manipulate the size based on your current needs.
To resize the Picture in Picture window, follow these steps.
Once you have a video window floating on your screen, you can easily resize it with a pinch gesture.
How to Move Picture in Picture Window to any corner of the screen
How to minimize the image in the image window and listen to background audio
a little cool feature offered by this mode allows users to minimize or hide the Picture in Picture window. While a window is minimized, you can still hear the audio portion of the video. This is great for situations where you temporarily need full-screen access but don’t yet want to dismiss the Picture in Picture window.
You can also use the Minimize Picture in Picture window feature if you are only interested in listening to the audio. This is useful for lectures, podcasts, interviews and, of course, music videos.
You can easily minimize or hide the Picture in Picture window by doing the following.
There you go, folks. This was our look at iOS 14’s new Picture in Picture mode, which will be available on all iPhones. surprisingly this feature is available on all iPhones running iOS 14, including the original iPhone SE and iPhone 6s.
This is How to easily enable or disable Picture in Picture mode on iPhone. Here you also learned how to resize, move and hide the PiP feature. If you have something to share about this new featuree feel free to do so in the comments below.
Which iPad models support picture-in-picture mode?
Picture-in-Picture mode is available on iPad Pro (all models), iPad (5th generation and later), iPad Air 2 and later, and iPad mini 4 and later.
How to enter picture-in-picture mode on iPad
Picture-in-picture mode will also start automatically if you leave a PiP-enabled app while the video is playing. (This is How to put FaceTime in PiP mode, for example.)
How to adjust the picture-in-picture window on the iPad
Picture-in-picture video defaults to about a quarter of the screen size (with transparent border) and the lower left side of the screen, but you can easily resize and reposition it.
If you need to use the iPad’s entire screen for something else, but don’t want to stop listening to the video audio, instead of closing the picture-in-picture window, you can simply save it for a while.
How to interact with picture-in-picture window
In addition to the multi-touch controls, there are three hover buttons on the PiP panel itself:
How to disable PiP video on iPad
Because picture-in-picture video might start automatically when you exit an app during playback, it might not be ideal in all situations. Fortunately, Apple offers a way to disable this.
Final note
I hope you like the guide How to Enable/Disable Picture-in-Picture Mode on iPad and iPhone. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.