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This tip is about the how to Enable DND on Apple Watch. So read this free guide, How to Enable DND on Apple Watch step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Enable DND on Apple Watch – Guide
do not disturb is a feature that first appeared on the iPhone. It allows you to suppress notifications so you are not interrupted by alerts. The same principle works on the Apple Watch. You can enable Do Not Disturb directly in your Apple Watch settings. You can also mirror the Do Not Disturb settings so that the effect occurs on both devices. Do Not Disturb is a great way to ensure your Apple Watch doesn’t alert you during meetings, while you sleep, or in other situations where silence may be required. The idea of Do Not Disturb, as the name suggests, is to allow your Apple Watch to continue collecting notifications without actually notifying you.
This might sound strange, but if you’re sleeping, in a meeting, at the movies, or anywhere else, you don’t want to be disturbed by noise or touch, but you don’t want a list of everything you might have in the meantime. on Apple Watch is what you need. While Do Not Disturb While Driving automatically turns on when iPhone is connected to a Bluetooth car stereo or when it detects driving-related motion activity, Apple Watch’s Do Not Disturb training mode automatically turns on when you start exercising.
Enable Do Not Disturb on Apple Watch on iPhone
Enable Do Not Disturb Mode on Apple Watch
Final note
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