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This tip is about the how to Fix Can’t Install App Error in Android Phone. So read this free guide, How to Fix Can’t Install App Error in Android Phone step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Fix Can’t Install App Error in Android Phone – Guide
We love our smartphones because they are so brilliant at handling our social life, work, relationships and calendar. A lot of trust is placed in these phones that we start hitting when we find out we’ve forgotten our phone somewhere. do ours phones have the superpower to control us? The truth is, without all the apps we download on them, our phones they may not be as powerful as they seem.
These apps allow us to transform our phones in small intelligent machines that load us with information about various things in our lives and around the world. Since apps are so important to a smartphone, imagine how your smartphone’s life could almost stop if Android isn’t downloading apps. That’s why we’ve been looking for solutions that you can use to fix Android and not download apps.
Make sure you have a good Wi-Fi or mobile data connection
If you are unable to download apps on your Android device, you should start by checking your connection. In some cases, this is the cause of download issues. No WiFi or mobile data connection equals no download because its phone or the tablet will not communicate with the Google Play Store. You can solve the problems by checking your data connection. This is applicable if you are using Wi-Fi or mobile Dice.
Signs of a bad connection include:
To check your Android mobile connection:
If you don’t see a signal data indicator, you may be in an area with no coverage. If you can, go to a different location (eg exit) and recheck the signal.
To check your Wi-Fi connection:
Clear Play Store cache and data
Clearing the app store cache and data may solve the problem. Most people don’t clear their Play Store cache and data regularly, but it’s worth a try if you’re having trouble downloading apps on your device. This can help give the Play Store a fresh start if it’s having trouble communicating with your device.
To clear Play Store cache and data:
Force stop application
If the above fixes do not work, it may be necessary to force the application to close. There may be a crash in the app causing problems with the downloads, and the only way to get it back is by forcing it to close.
Forced shutdown kills the activity process and allows it to restart with the right processes. If your downloads aren’t working, forcing the app store to close may reset it to allow downloads. To force the app store to close:
Uninstall updates from Play Store – then reinstall
You also have the option to uninstall Google Play updates and reinstall them on your device. Don’t worry about deleting or causing problems with apps you’ve already downloaded; it will not affect the apps on your device. However, this will fix the download issues you are experiencing in some cases. To uninstall and reinstall updates from Google Play Store:
Remove your Google account from the device and add it again
If the above fixes don’t resolve the issue, you may want to remove your Google account from your device. Once removed, you will add it back and this may solve the problem.
First, remove your account:
Then add the account again:
Restart your device
If you still cannot download apps after clearing the Play Store cache and data, you may need to restart your device. This can resolve a number of issues with your device, including issues with downloads. How you do this will depend on the device you are using. To reset your device:
Final note
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